Chapter 6

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William's POV


I invited Taleera, her mom, and her sister inside my house. Her family is really funny, especially that little sister of hers, Asha. She is hilarious and it's obvious that my little brother, Austin, is smitten with her.

I walk them to the kitchen where my mother and father were. My mother was stirring her food that was on the stove, while my father was on the phone.

"Mum, Taleera and her family are here." She turned around and gasped when she saw Taleera's mum.

"Tonya?!" She yelled, running to Taleera's mum to hug her.

"Deborah!" Taleera's mum yells back. They hug each other tightly. "It's been so long."

"Too long, my friend," my mum says.

"So you've met?" Me and Taleera asked in unison.

"Me and Tonya here went to university together," my mum said.

"We were in the same sorority for a year before she had to go back to the UK," Taleera's mom explains.

Taleera nods, "Interesting." I walked closer to her, as our moms continued to catch up, and lean down to whisper to her.

"You do realize that their gonna be interested in our love life more then what we expected? I can see it now," I said to her. I saw her blush a bit when I said 'love life'.

"Yeah," she commented, clearly not knowing what to say. I was about to say something else when we heard Asha.

"Boy, I told you! Stop tryna hold my hand!" She yelled at Austin.

"Asha, stop it," Taleera's mum said sternly, glaring at her youngest child.

"But he kept touching me, Ma!" She exclaimed back.

"Austin," mum called to him. He was still in a daze from staring at Asha. "Austin!" She yelled, finally catching his attention.

"What?" He asked meekly.

"Leave the girl alone. It's obvious that she isn't interested," mum replied.

"B-But William told me that Taleera was hard to get, and now he's got her." Little snitch. Then a smile made its way to his face. "And besides, I wouldn't mind running after her. She's too beautiful."

"That is too cute," Taleera gushed as she watched the two. Asha had a disgusted look on her face as Austin looked at her lovingly.

"No," Asha objected. "This is not cute. This is beyond gross." We all laughed.

"What did I miss?" My dad asked, now off of the phone.

"Our son most likely finding his soulmate," my mum tells him, jokingly. "Isaac, honey, this is William's...guest...friend...and this is her mother and sister." I told my mom not to refer Taleera as my girlfriend, although I'd prefer her to be mine.

"Hello," he greeted, holding his hand out. Taleera's mum reached out and shook his hand.

"Hi, I'm Tonya. These are my daughters, Taleera and Ashanla," she introduced. Taleera shook his hand while Asha silently waved.

"Honey, Tonya and I went to college together," my mum said to my dad.

"Oh really?" He said, calmly. My dad was always the calm one, while my mom could be a bit out there.

"It was only for a year, but we kept in contact for a long time before we lost touch," Taleera's mum said.

"It was long enough for us to become the best of friends," my mum stated. "William, Austin, show your guests around. Food isn't done yet." I nodded to her. My parents and Taleera's mum continued to catch up and get to know each other. Lets hope the food doesn't burn in the process.

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