Chapter Five: Traveling Home

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Elena sighed as she closed her suitcase, she would be traveling back to London with her new husband in a couple of hours and she was a little nervous; she had no idea what to expect now that she had to stay married to Robin for a while. 

The couple had discussed what was going to happen after the priest confirmed that they wouldn't be able to get an annulment or divorce for at least a year. 

Elena jumped hearing someone enter her room, though she knew that she shouldn't be surprised when she spotted Robin, who looked just as nervous; things weren't going to be easy when it came to their marriage. 

Elena was wearing a spot twisted shoulder jersey top and black bootcut jeans for the flight since she wanted to be comfortable as it was going to be a long one. 

Robin smiled at her softly as she finished closing her suitcase, things were awkward between them and he knew that they couldn't let it remain that way; the last thing that he wanted was for the press to find out what had really happened. 

"Are you all packed?" Robin asked Elena nodded sitting on her bed, she would have to pack up her things when she returned to London from her flat so she could move into Robin's house as planned. 

They were silent for a moment not sure what to say, they both knew that there was nothing they could do about what had happened now; Elena sighed as she stood making Robin look at her knowing they would be leaving soon. 

Elena quickly checked that she had her passport and flight details in her black tote bag, Robin moved to collect her suitcase for her; he would at least have to treat her like his wife until they could divorce. 

Elena paused for a moment to watch him, pick up her suitcase and collect his own which he had brought with him; they were both nervous about what would happen when they got home.

"I'm ready when you are," Elena murmured making Robin nod, apart from the occasional small talk, the two didn't really speak to one another; they weren't sure what to say to one another. 

Elena couldn't imagine what things would be like when they were back in London, things were crazy in Las Vegas and it wasn't going to get any better while they were front page news. 

"We'll need to come up with a story on how we meet," Robin said as they walked out of her hotel room and closed the door; Elena nodded as she locked the door before they headed for the elevator which didn't take long to arrive. 

Stepping inside the couple were lucky to get the elevator to themselves, they had to figure out what they were going to tell everyone; they couldn't tell everyone that they had drunkenly gotten married in Vegas. 

"I lived in Rotterdam for a year," Elena revealed making Robin look at her a little surprised, this could certainly work to their advantage when it came to putting together a cover story. 

Robin's agent was handling everything else to make sure that the couple didn't get any bad press; the last thing that his client needed was a public backlash right now. 

"Okay, so we meet during your stay in Rotterdam and hit it off however, when you returned to London we grew apart and I married Bouchra; we meet up again a few months ago when she left me and things went from there," Robin said making Elena nod in agreement. 

The couple were quiet the rest of the trip down the elevator and soon they were both stood in the lobby of the hotel; Robin linked fingers with Elena as they headed for reception. 

The receptionist battered her eyes at Robin as they approached; Elena rolled her eyes wondering if she was going to have to deal with this for the next year while she was married to Robin.

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