Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Baby Shower

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Lydia frowned noticing that a couple of the other women were glaring at her, Elena had warned her that this could happen and that there was a chance that they wouldn't trust her but Lydia had laughed it off. 

Coleen was playing hostess and she was trying everything to make the awkward atmosphere disappear but she hadn't had much success since everyone was a little on edge about Lydia being at the party. 

"Is it just me or is this extremely awkward?" Lydia murmured trying not to be offended that they thought that she would hurt Elena like Ashlee had done; Elena nodded her head knowing that it was going to take time for them to trust Lydia. 

Roxanne watched the two friends from across the room, she didn't trust Lydia and she had no idea what to make of the friend that Elena had after what had happened with the last one. 

Ashlee had been Elena's friend before she had turned her back on her and sold her story to the press; she was now clinging to the lime-light in any way that she could. 

Stacey noticed the look that graced her step-daughter's face, she wished that they could all be as trusting as Elena when it came to her friends; they'd all had experiences of friends who had sold stories to the press to make some quick cash. 

"So Elena, how are you?" Stacey asked sitting next to the brunette, a couple of people stopped what they were doing and looked at Elena, who blushed she hated being the centre of attention. 

Lydia moved to get herself another drink, the party was a little boring and she guessed that she shouldn't be surprised since they were meant to be focusing on the baby. 

"I'm good thanks, I can't wait to hold her in my arms," Elena said glancing at Roxanne, she had something that she wanted to ask her friend; she hoped that she would say yes when she asked her. 

"Okay people it's time for some baby shower games," Coleen announced excitedly making Roxanne grin at the younger brunette; when Coleen got excited about something you knew that it was going to be good.


Robin chuckled leaning back onto Nemanja's couch while Nani and Javier played FIFA 12; the two men bickered between themselves in their native languages as they played against each other. 

"Not long left now," Ryan teased making Robin look at him, he was still a little nervous about how fast Elena's pregnancy was moving and there was still so much for them to do when it came to preparing. 

Elena was being so calm about everything and Robin was glad that she was so relaxed, he didn't want her worrying about anything while she was pregnant. 

"It's not like he hasn't been through this before, I mean, he had Shaqueel and Dina with Bouchra," Nani called from across the room making Robin look down at his beer and mess with the label a little; Nemanja raised his eyebrow as he looked at his friend. 

Robin took a swig of his beer, there was no point in denying it and he knew that he was most nervous about the labour and he wasn't sure what was going to happen.

"Bouchra didn't want me in the room when Shaqueel and Dina were born, she didn't even want me to see them after they were born," Robin revealed making a couple of his team-mates look at him surprised; they thought that it was odd that his ex-wife had done so. 

"She didn't know if they were mine or Ewan's, so she tried to keep me away," Robin revealed making the fathers in the room look at him sadly, it was clear that Bouchra's affair had been happening for a long time before the Dutchman had discovered the truth.


"So when is your due date?" Daniella asked as Elena sipped on some lemonade, everyone was trying to recover from the last hour of Coleen's insane baby shower games; no one had been able to stop laughing in amusement at what had happened. 

"Early April," Elena replied it was now the middle of December and the team were all getting ready for the Christmas break; they still had a couple of weeks left and they all knew that Christmas was a busy time for them all. 

Roxanne cuddled her friend and flashed a smile at her, Elena had been going to a lot of classes to make sure that she was prepared for what happened next; of course, she was slightly freaked out about having a baby but Roxanne was quick to tell her that she would be fine. 

Lydia smiled watching Roxanne hug her best friend, she remembered when it was her comforting Elena when something was bothering her; it was nice to see that Elena had friends to rely on when she wasn't around. 

"So how is the wedding planning coming?" Rebecca Ferdinand asked sipping on her fruit juice, there wasn't any alcohol since Coleen knew that they weren't going to be able to get drunk. 

Elena grinned, she was honestly surprised at how much that she had gotten done over the last few weeks even now when she was now twenty-four weeks pregnant plus she had had Coleen and Roxanne's help. 

"We have a venue booked... Thornton Manor for the 1st of July, our first wedding anniversary and the date we conceived," Elena revealed with a grin resting a hand on her swollen stomach, she was looking forward to having the big day she had always dreamed of. 

Causing Coleen to laugh slightly along with a couple of others, they found it sweet that Elena and Robin wanted to get married for a second time on their first anniversary. 

"We'll first get married inside the manor... while the reception will be held in the lakeside marquee," Elena said painting the picture of her wedding day; Robin had insisted that no price was too high for robbing her of her perfect wedding day the first time round.

Of course, her parents had told her that now they knew the truth that they were happy for her to leave Robin; however it was clear to them that the couple were a match made in heaven and had given the two of them their blessing. 

"I actually did have something I wanted to ask," Elena murmured making everyone look at her and nod, the brunette licked her lips as she gathered her thoughts for a moment wanting to do it right. 

"First of all... Coleen, Roxy and Daniella would you three be my bridesmaids?" Elena asked making the three women nod shocked that the brunette was asking them to be a part of her wedding since it was such an important day. 

"Lydia, you're my best friend and have stuck with me through thick and thin... would you be my maid of honour?" Elena asked making the dark haired woman squeal in excitement and nod as she hugged her friend; she couldn't believe that Elena wanted her to do it. 

"Robin and I have been talking... and we would love if you and Nemanja would be Godparents to our daughter," Elena said turning to Roxanne who stared at her stunned; she hadn't expected Elena to ask this of her and Nemanja, thinking that Elena would have asked Lydia. 

"Of course," Roxanne agreed hugging the brunette, who grinned at her and nodded; after all that the two of them had done for them it only seemed fitting that they were the godparents to the couple's unborn daughter.

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