Chapter Seven: Leaving the Past Behind

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Slowly opening her eyes, Elena awoke to find herself alone in bed making her sit up and look around confused; she ran a hand through her hair as she blinked the sleep from her eyes. 

Carefully reaching for the other side of the bed, Robin's side of the bed was still warm, meaning that he hadn't been gone long; Elena furrowed her brow as she looked around her. 

This was her home now and she would have to get used to it, it was just going to take some time to adjust to how much was changing in her life; however before she climbed out of bed Robin stepped back into the bedroom with breakfast. 

Robin swallowed nervously as he stared at his new wife, she had simply looked too beautiful to wake up when he had woken up that morning; he knew that it had been a long flight home and today was going to be pretty busy. 

"I thought that since we didn't have a proper morning after breakfast," Robin murmured with a shrug as he moved towards her, he wanted her to feel comfortable and small things like this would go a long way for them. 

Elena nodded as he sat next to her on the bed next to her before she smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek; she couldn't believe how sweet that he was being and she knew that he didn't have to do any of this. 

Robin stared at Elena, he certainly hadn't been expecting her to do anything like that and he tried to show that he was so surprised; he needed to get used to being affectionate with her. 

"Thank you," Elena whispered making Robin nod as he tried to keep from blushing, he wanted that morning to be special since it was their first in their marital home. 

The couple ate breakfast before Elena headed to have her morning shower and Robin headed downstairs with the dishes; they didn't know where to draw the line when it came to their new and strange relationship. 

Robin sighed wondering what the future now held for him, he hadn't thought he would ever marry again and now he had Elena as his wife; he didn't want to do something that could damage things between them.

Elena soon made an appearance downstairs making Robin choke as he stared at her, it still surprised him that he was married to her; he didn't want to think about what could have happened to him. 

Elena took a deep breath, she had selected a purple gypsy blouse and white jeans for the day and she knew that it was going to a long day; she wanted to be comfortable with all the moving around that she had to do. 

"So what's the plan for today?" Elena asked leaning against the counter and crossing her arms, she wanted to get started and she had a lot of packing to do; she couldn't believe that she was actually going to be move out of her home of several years. 

Robin's eyes wandered over Elena, he swallowed knowing that he was being stupid but he couldn't help it; he wandered for a moment if something was missing. 

Elena cleared her throat making his eyes snap to her face, she was a little surprised that he had been checking her out; she smiled a little at how embarrassed Robin looked at being caught. 

Robin scratched the back of his head, he was going to have to stop staring at her like that and he knew that he couldn't get attached to Elena if he was meant to be getting divorced in about a year. 

"I was thinking we'd head to your place, you know collect your stuff," Robin replied making Elena nod, she couldn't remain in her apartment anymore if she was going to be married to Robin and fool people into thinking that they were in love. 

Robin watched Elena as she turned and walked out of the kitchen, he felt bad about doing this to her and he swore to himself that he would find some way to make it up to her. 

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