Chapter Fourteen: The Battle Begins

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Elena watched Robin prepare for his meeting with his lawyer, she knew that he wanted to do what was right for his children; but he wasn't about to lose them because of his ex-wife. 

"It'll be fine, you're an amazing father," Elena told him pressing a kiss to his lips, the Dutchman smiled as she fixed his tie for him; he watched her for a moment knowing that he was a very lucky man. 

"What?" Elena asked looking up at Robin, he shook his head before he kissed her while he wrapped his arms around her; he was a little disappointed that she couldn't come with him but he knew she had to go to work. 

Elena wanted to keep working for as long as possible, they still didn't know what was going to happen with Robin and Arsenal even when Robin had made it clear that he wished to leave the club. 

"You have a meeting with your lawyer," Elena murmured stopping Robin from taking the kiss any further; Robin pouted softly as she walked away from him and made sure that everything was in her bag. 

Robin grumbled to himself, he hated that things were so up in the air and he wished that he knew himself what was going to happen; he wanted things to calm down as soon as possible. 

"I have to get to work, Dr. Cowker is short staffed again," Elena said making Robin pulled her back into a kiss, the brunette wrapped her arms around his neck before pulling away slightly. 

Elena knew that if she didn't keep in control then Robin would lure her back to bed and he would miss his meeting with his lawyer and she would be in trouble with her boss. 

"I'll pick you up for lunch," Robin promised her as they separated and headed out of the house both having to get going or risk being late; Robin kept a hold of her hand as he led her to his Porche Cayenne with a smile.

"Robin," Elena warned knowing that it wouldn't look good if he was late today because he had dropped her off at work; he smiled and opened the passenger door for her, he was determined to do this. 

Robin wanted to drop Elena off at work, he knew that he was walking a fine but he wanted to enjoy his morning with her before he had to listen to whatever his lawyer had to say about his case. 

"You'll be late," Elena warned him, she knew that he had been left out of the Arsenal squad for the friendlies until his transfer saga was over and Arsène didn't want the distracted Captain about but he still had responsibilities. 

Robin chuckled kissing Elena, he loved how stubborn she was and he hoped that things never changed; they were in a good place and he couldn't believe that this was the life that he had now. 

"I'll be even later if you don't get in," Robin said making Elena roll her eyes as she climbed into the car since she didn't want him to be late for his meeting. 

Robin smiled closing the car door after his wife before he walked around to the driver's side so that they could leave; he had a good feeling that his lawyer would have some good news for him about his case. 

Elena pulled on her seatbelt as she prayed that the meeting went well; she didn't want Robin to lose his children and she hoped that no judge would side with Bouchra when Robin hadn't done anything wrong but move on. 

Robin climbed into the car and smiled to Elena, today was the day that he would really know if he could win this thing; he wasn't going to let Bouchra ruin his relationship with his children.


"I want Elena," Shaqueel said again making Bouchra frown, she didn't know what had happened over the weekend but she didn't like how her children had taken to Robin's new wife. 

Bouchra took a calming breath, she was growing tired of the fact that both of her children seemed to adore the whore that Robin had married; she couldn't wait to put an end to all of this. 

"She doesn't live here, she lives with your father," Bouchra replied making Shaqueel pout as he stared at his mother, he didn't understand why he wasn't even allowed to call his father and talk to him. 

Shaqueel didn't like his mother or Ewan, they weren't nice to him like his father and Elena were; they had time to spend with him and Dina and were nice to him. 

"I want daddy and Elena," Shaqueel repeated again, Bouchra stared at him wondering why her son wasn't listening to her; it was if he wanted to hurt her and Robin was turning her children against him. 

Taking another deep breath, Bouchra smiled at her son, two could play at Robin's game and she wasn't going to let her ex-husband win. 

"Shaqueel... your daddy doesn't want you anymore, he's going to start a new life with Elena and replace you," Bouchra stated making the little boy frown at her words, he didn't want to believe what she was saying. 

Shaqueel sat quietly as his mother's words rang in her ears, he watched her as a smile formed on her face, as she pulled him into a hug in an attempt to comfort him. 

"He doesn't love you anymore, your daddy will have a new son soon and won't want you," Bouchra whispered as her thoughts became clouded with getting what she wanted. 

Shaqueel looked down at his little hands while Bouchra continued to fill his head with lies, his mother smiling as she cuddled him knowing that this would all work out in her favour. 

"But me and Ewan, we love you both," Bouchra comforted making Shaqueel look up at her as she smiled at him softly, what she was doing was wrong but she wasn't going to lose her children to Robin and the woman that he had brought into his life.


Robin watched Elena while she slept, he didn't know what he would do without her; his future seemed so uncertain right now with his transfer saga and now the custody battle, and he didn't know what to do. 

Robin smiled as his wife cuddled into his side, he knew that things would work out for the two of them and he hoped that his children would be a part of it; he didn't want to lose Shaqueel and Dina over something stupid. 

"Robin," Elena murmured making her husband look down at her, he sighed as he held her close; she was still asleep and it made him wonder if she was dreaming of him. 

Robin closed his eyes; he would have to tell her that his parents were flying out to meet them; they wanted to meet his new wife, they were less than pleased about his decision to marry a woman that they hadn't met and so soon after his divorced from Bouchra. 

Robin knew that things weren't going to go well, his mother was so furious about him getting married to Elena; he feared what she would say when she finally met Elena, he doubted his mother would play nice. 

José Ras was very protective of her children and she wasn't going to make this easy on Elena, she would want to know that the brunette was good enough for her son. 

Robin felt himself slowly drift off to sleep, he knew that his parents weren't taking his marriage to Elena well; he just hoped that his parents would see how much he cared for Elena. 

Robin had a feeling that José Ras had spoken to Bouchra about him remarrying and it was clear that Bouchra was more than happy to cause trouble for him if it meant keeping his children away from him.

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