Chapter Sixty: Reconnecting

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"Thanks again for taking the children," Robin murmured smiling at David, he had been home from the hospital for about two weeks now and he knew that things hadn't been easy for any of them. 

Robin was doing his best to make up for what he had done, he wanted Elena to forgive him and he was glad that her parents had agreed to take the children for the night so they could have some time with each other. 

There wasn't long left now until their daughter would be born and Robin didn't want this awkwardness to continue any further; he wanted to make it right and he hoped that Elena would see that he wasn't going to change his mind. 

"It's no problem," David insisted knowing that it was the least that he could do, the last thing that anyone wanted was for their marriage to fall apart now because they weren't able to have any time alone. 

It was hard enough moving forward from the mess that Ewan had left behind and the only good news seemed to be that he would be serving time for what he had done to Robin and Nemanja. 

"Be good for your grandparents," Robin said brushing his fingers through Dina's hair, he knew that they had been spending a lot of time away from home and he really did hope that things would settle down soon. 

Things needed to be stable for the children and Robin wanted nothing more than to put the last couple of months behind them; he wanted to focus on the future especially with a baby due soon. 

Shaqueel nodded his head and hugged his father goodbye before hurrying out to the car, he didn't mind spending time with his grandparents and he hoped that they would be able to spend more time with their parents when the baby arrived. 

Robin waved as David left with the children, he sighed knowing that he had so much to be thankful for and he was determined not to mess it all up again.


Elena padded carefully down the stairs, it had been surprisingly quiet since she had woken up and she couldn't help but be worried that something had happened; she couldn't help it especially after everything that had happened. 

Brushing some hair from her face, Elena wondered where the children were and she hoped that they weren't off causing trouble when they were trying to settle down again. 

Moving into the kitchen, Elena paused surprised at what sat before her and she wondered what had made Robin do something like this; she couldn't believe that he had made breakfast and she knew that he had gone out of his way to do so. 

"Morning," Robin greeted smiling at Elena, he got up from his seat and walked over to her hoping that she had enjoying having a little bit of extra sleep; he had wanted to treat her after how much she had done for him recently. 

Kissing Elena, Robin wrapped his arms around her wanting to enjoy the day that they had to themselves; he had no idea what was going to happen when Arabella was born but he did know that he wanted things to be as calm as normal.

"How are you feeling?" Robin asked brushing his fingers over the bump, Elena was finding it difficult to get comfortable at night and he hoped that it would get easier for her. 

There wasn't long left in her pregnancy and Robin was sure that they would be able to cope when their daughter was born; he was excited to welcome her into the world and he just hoped everything would be okay. 

"Good," Elena replied eyeing him warily, she honestly didn't know what to think about all of this and she guessed that Robin had sent the children out for the day if they weren't here to have breakfast with them.

Leading Elena over to the breakfast table, Robin couldn't help but smile knowing that he had worked hard on making everything perfect for today; there wasn't much planned only for them to spend some much needed time together. 

"Robin?" Elena asked wanting a bit of an explanation for what was happening, she watched him closely worried what might be going through his head right now. 

Things had been a little tense between them recently and Elena was doing her best to trust him after what had happened but she was glad that they were able to make things work. 

"I just wanted to spend time with you," Robin replied with a shrug of his shoulders, he had put her through so much stress when she should have been relaxing and preparing for the birth of their daughter; he was determined to make all of this right again. 

Elena blinked taking in his words, she had a feeling that there was more too it but she didn't want to fight with him after he had done something so nice for her. 

Kissing Robin, Elena hoped that he would feel better and forgive himself for what had transpired; she didn't want this hanging over them when they had a baby to look forward to. 

"Thank you," Elena murmured brushing her fingers through his hair, Robin looked so much better now that he was home with her and the children; she didn't want to see him backslide when things were going well for them now. 

Robin grinned before moving to pour Elena some orange juice, he had gone all out for breakfast and there were so many options for her to have; he was just glad that he didn't have any work commitments that would call him away. 

Sir Alex had been amazing with him after what had happened and Robin knew that another manager would have properly punished him for all the bad press that had been lingering around in the last couple of months.


"I love you," Elena whispered holding Robin close, the day had been wonderful and she had enjoyed having him to herself for a few hours; she closed her eyes content at how everything was working out for them. 

Kissing the top of her head, Robin smiled to himself pleased with how everything had gone; they had spent the entire day relaxing at home and making tiny plans for when the baby was born. 

"I love you too," Robin murmured softly, he watched Elena knowing that he wanted nothing more than to enjoy their time together before they had three children to look after. 

There was also the fact that they hadn't really put much thought into their impending wedding, Robin knew that the date was fast approaching but with everything that had happened they hadn't really had the chance to make many plans. 

Feeling a kick, Robin brushed his hand over the bump and he knew that he was looking forward to holding her in his arms; he had every intention of being there when she was born and nothing would stop him from being by Elena's side. 

"I can't wait for her to get here," Elena whispered to him, she peeked up at Robin wondering what their daughter would look like; she couldn't believe that in just a few weeks she would be holding her in her arms. 

Robin nodded his head, he closed his eyes wanting to enjoy this moment and he hoped that they wouldn't have any trouble from the press when their daughter was born. 

The last thing that he wanted was to be harassed on what was meant to be an amazing day for their family.

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