Chapter Forty-Three: Welcome Christmas

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Robin groaned softly as Shaqueel jumped on him, the Dutchman turned over as Dina joined her brother to jump on their father; Elena chuckled amused as she watched from the door wearing her fleece nightie. 

"Daddy it's Christmas get up," Shaqueel shouted making Robin crack open one of his eyes and look at the clock next to the bed, he ran a hand tiredly through his hair as Elena told the two children to go and have breakfast with her parents. 

Elena watched amused as Robin looked at her tiredly as she walked further into the room and kissed him softly, she was so thankful that everything seemed so peaceful after everything that happened. 

"Vrolijk kerstfeest," Elena said making Robin kiss her before he realise what she had said, he couldn't believe how sexy his wife sounded when she spoke in Dutch and he hoped to hear more of it. 

Robin knew that Elena wanted to speak more of his native language, it would come in handy when dealing with his children from his first marriage and their own baby. 

"Merry Christmas... let's hope it is the first of many," Robin whispered making Elena smile and nod at his words, she couldn't believe that they had been married nearly six months and everything was finally perfect. 

Robin cuddled Elena for a moment before Shaqueel and Dina called for them to hurry up so that they could open up their presents making the couple sigh as they pulled apart.

"I'll see you downstairs," Elena mused making Robin nod as she walked away from him and out of the bedroom, the Dutchman smiled to himself wondering how he had gotten so lucky with her. 

He hoped that she would like the present that he had gotten her, Robin had thought long and hard about what he could get his new wife and it hadn't accord to him until he had thought about their upcoming second marriage.


Grinning Allison handed Elena her first Christmas present as the brunette watched Shaqueel and Dina eat breakfast quickly; the two were excited to join Elena's father in the living room so they could open their presents. 

Elena raised an eyebrow at her mother, who grinned at her as she winked as Robin walked into the kitchen and greeted his children. 

"It's just a little something that I thought Robin would enjoy," Allison teased making Elena stare at her, she had a horrible feeling that it was something to do with sex and she was a little worried about opening it. 

Robin raised an eyebrow at his mother-in-law, who looked at him innocently before she moved towards the living room to join her husband while the Dutchman wrapped his arms around Elena. 

"What was that about?" Robin murmured kissing his wife making the brunette roll her eyes as she set the present down, she knew that her mother was nosey when it came the secrets of the bedroom. 

"My mother being nosey," Elena replied as Shaqueel declared that he had finished his breakfast along with Dina, Robin chuckled before telling his children that they could go and open their presents now. 

The two children squealed in excitement as they climbed down from their chairs and rushed into the bedroom making Elena smile as she wrapped her arms around Robin's waist. 

"I think it would be best if I gave you my present now," Elena insisted making Robin look at her confused, she grinned pulling away from him and linked their fingers before she led him upstairs.

Robin grinned as Elena led him towards one of the spare bedrooms in her parents' home making the brunette roll her eyes amused, they weren't going to do anything it was just where she had hidden his present. 

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