Chapter Nine: Back to Work

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Elena yawned preparing for work that morning, she knew that Robin had asked for a transfer; he didn't wish to remain at Arsenal anymore and the talks between him and the club weren't doing anything. 

Elena glanced at her husband, the fans hadn't taken the news well that he didn't want to sign a new contract because of Arsenal's uncertain future, that he didn't like how things were going to be played out and he wanted to get away from the life he had built with Bouchra. 

Elena was all too aware of what an uphill battle Arsenal had had over the last year, with Cesc Fàbregas leaving for Barcelona and Samir Nasri leaving for Manchester City. 

Robin was struggling with a team that just couldn't fight the force of Manchester City or Manchester United, plus he was missing his close friends; he had been through so much in the last year. 

Elena looked at Robin and smiled softly, he looked so peaceful and she knew that he had been un-nerved when another meeting with Arsenal had fallen through leaving him no choice but to think of his future. 

"Robin I'm going to work," Elena whispered softly as she ran a hand through his hair, he nuzzled her hand gently with his head before she pressed a kiss to his head and slowly left the room knowing that he wouldn't be a wake until later. 

Elena headed downstairs, quickly picking up a banana and her car keys, before she headed out of the house and towards her car; she didn't want to be late for her first day back at work after being away for a couple of weeks. 

Pulling out of the gates, Elena groaned noticing several members of the press watching her leave for work; she should have known that they'd be about after Robin's announcement. 

Elena ignored them starting to travel towards the Doctor's office, she wondered what she would do when Robin transferred, it made her partially relieved that she was only a receptionist and that she could move her work anywhere in England.

Switching on the radio, Elena insistently regretted it when she heard the Sports News that Manchester City were ready to offer a £20 million deal for her husband. 

Elena sighed quickly turned it off, she didn't care as long as Robin was happy; she paused at the thought, they were honestly starting to act more like a married couple even if they had only known each other and been married a week and a half. 

The ride to the doctor's office was short and as she pulled into the car park, Elena held back a curse as she noticed several members of the press waiting for her there as well; she wondered how the hell they had found out where she worked.

Elena sighed as she got out of her car and closed the door behind her, she quickly locked her car and started towards the surgery; she wasn't going to let the journalists stop her from doing her job. 

"Mrs. van Persie, what do you think of your husband's statement?" one of the reporter's said quickly rushing to Elena who walked by ignoring them; she knew better than to speak with the press, plus they usually took everything out of context anyway. 

"Mrs. van Persie, will your husband be leaving Arsenal this summer?" another reporter asked as Elena walked into the clinic and sighed in relief that they didn't follow her inside. 

Elena as she walked towards the main desk and signed herself in, she was going to focus on her job and she knew that the media attention would die down soon; she doubted that they would be around for much longer if she ignored them. 

"Morning Elena," one of the nurses greeted as Elena sat in a chair and started to log in so that she could get everything ready; she didn't want to slow anyone down and she was sure it was going to be a long day. 

"Morning Paula," Elena greeted as the nurse approached her with a smile, she eyed her wedding ring with surprise that the rumours were true; Elena rolled her eyes, everyone who knew her would know that she was married now.

However Elena was quick to escape questioning as people started to arrive for their appointments, the brunette started to work and it wasn't long until the waiting room was nearly full with that morning's appointments. 

"Shaqueel," a woman called as a little boy ran into the building as his mother rushed after him with a little girl; the colour drained from Elena's face as she recognised the three, it was Robin's ex-wife Bouchra with his two children. 

Elena pretended that she hadn't noticed their entrance before Bouchra approached the desk as she dragged Shaqueel with her; it was clear that the little boy didn't want to be here and was going to make things hard on his mother. 

"Hello, my son has an appointment with Dr. Cowker," Bouchra stated making Elena nod before she moved to check the computer; she avoided looking at her husband's ex-wife. 

Elena had known that she would one day meet Robin's children but she had never thought that it would be while she was at work; she didn't think that this was going to end well. 

"Okay, what's his name?" Elena asked glancing up at Bouchra in front of her, she had no idea what would happen if Bouchra figured her out; she could only imagine how badly that would end. 

Bouchra frowned as she recognised who the brunette was, she couldn't believe that this was the woman that her ex-husband had replaced her with; the two were silent for a moment before Bouchra spoke. 

"Shaqueel van Persie," Bouchra said making the brunette nod as she typed into the computer and signed them in; Elena nodded again before looking at Bouchra who was glaring at her.


Elena's shift went quickly without anything else happening, she waved goodbye to the receptionist who was replacing her before the brunette headed outside to her car so that she could head home after a long day. 

Elena frowned when she spotted a white piece of paper stuck to her car front window; she carefully removed it, looking around she frowned wondering who had left it. 

Elena was a little confused as to why someone would leave the note outside instead of handing it to her personally; she frowned reading the note as she realised it was from Bouchra. 

Elena folded the note and slipped it into her pants pocket before climbing into her car, she wasn't sure what to do about the note and she didn't want to cause any trouble because there were children involved. 

Elena sighed wondering how she would take becoming a step-mother, she loved children and wanted some of her own; but it was clear that Bouchra had no intentions of allowing her to become close with her children. 

The drive was quiet and Elena wasn't surprised that the press were still outside the house when she arrived home, she ignored them as she drove into the driveway and got out of her car. 

Heading inside, she found Robin watching television in the living room; he smiled at Elena as she slipped off her heels, he was glad that she was home. 

"How was work?" Robin asked curiously, he had gotten up not long after she had left since he couldn't sleep anymore without her by his side; he didn't know what it was but for the first time in years he felt content. 

Robin listened as Elena told him about her day at work, he listened intently as she spoke about what she did and some of the patients that she had seen with a smile on his face.


Author's Note:

Bouchra's Note -

I know who you are and you'll never be good enough for him. 

Watch out because you never know what might happen if you aren't careful

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