Chapter Forty-Seven: Coming to Visit

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Frowning as she stepped into her only son's home, José Ras glared at everyone that she could see knowing that this wasn't what she had wanted to happen; she was only here because her daughters had wanted to come. 

Robin's family had travelled from Rotterdam to spend the first week of the New Year with Robin and his family; Lilly and Kiki had insisted that they all buried the hatchet and moved on from what had happened in the past and start a fresh. 

"Elena, you're getting so big," Lilly gushed hugging her sister-in-law while she admired the brunette's bump; she couldn't believe how fast the pregnancy seemed to be moving and she couldn't wait for her little niece to be born. 

Scolding her sister for saying that Elena was getting fat, Kiki hugged Elena knowing that she had never seen her brother so happy before and she knew that it was all down to the woman before her. 

José Ras wasn't happy that her son was still married to Elena, even now that she knew the truth about their drunken marriage; she wanted him to be happy and she worried that Elena was taking advantage of Robin. 

Allison walked into the hallway and smiled spotting Robin's family, they had been just as hurt that Robin and Elena had married the way that they had; but it was clear to anyone that they truly did love one another. 

"Hello I am Elena's mother, Allison," Allison said introducing herself and stepping into the hallway, she smiled as did so; her shoulder was still in its sling and she had a couple of bruises on show from the accident but she was slowly recovering from the car crash. 

Robert smiled moving to greet Allison while José Ras stared at the brunette, she couldn't believe that Elena's parents appeared to be living with them; she had hoped that she could have another attempt at getting rid of the woman.

José Ras had heard about the crash as it had been splashed all over the papers, she felt sorry for Elena's parents when she had read it, but now not so much; she couldn't believe that Robin was allowing this to happen.

"I'm David Addams," called a voice from the living room making Elena and Robin laugh slightly as Allison rolled her eyes; David still had problems moving about since he had one arm and leg both in casts since he had broken them in the car accident. 

"So do you both live here?" Robert asked glancing at his ex-wife, who looked like she wanted to make things worse between herself and Robin; he wished that she would let this go before she was cut from their son's life. 

Allison shook her head, the couple had found a house that was a couple of blocks away from where Robin and Elena lived; they wanted to be close to their daughter's family and their grandchildren especially after their accident. 

It had surprised Allison and David when Robin had insisted on helping them find a new home, he understand that they didn't feel comfortable back in London after someone had cut the breaks on their car. 

"We live a couple of minutes away... we moved here a couple of days ago," Allison explained moving the family into the living room before David did some damage to himself to be a part of the conversation. 

Elena peeked at Robin knowing that this was going to be an interesting week, she really did hope that her parents and Robin's family got along; she hated to think of them having any more fights.


Brushing a hand through her hair, Elena shifted nervously as she found herself alone with José Ras when she exited the bathroom; she hadn't expected her to corner her so soon after arriving. 

"José Ras is there something that I can help you with?" Elena asked looking at her mother-in-law, she hoped that Robin would notice that his mother and her were missing and would come and find them soon. 

José Ras stared at the brunette that had drunkenly managed to marry her son, she didn't know what to think of Elena; she wanted to like her, she did for Robin's sake, but she couldn't. 

From the drunken marriage to the pregnancy, to her it seemed that Elena was trapping Robin into being with her; something that José Ras couldn't allow and she was going to do something about it. 

"I want you to know that I am not going to rest until I free my son from this sham of a marriage that you have him trapped in," José Ras stated making Elena stare at her, she had a feeling that this wasn't going to end well and that things would become worse between Robin and his mother as a result. 

"I love your son. I would do anything for him. I am sorry that we had to meet and marry the way we did; but I wouldn't change it for the world," Elena pleaded wanting José Ras to believe her, she hoped that she could win her mother-in-law over so that they could be a family. 

José Ras shook her head spotting the ring that Robin had gotten Elena for Christmas, she had to do something to drive the gold-digger away before she caused her son more damage. 

"Don't make me laugh... I know women like you, you love nothing but yourself," José Ras spat making Elena pressed a hand to her bump, the brunette closed her eyes as a wave of pain; she had a horrible feeling that something was going wrong. 

José Ras rolled her eyes ignoring the flinch that Elena gave, she thought that the brunette was doing it to make her back off but she wouldn't, not until she was sure that her son was happy.

"I won't let you ruin my son... Robin is a good man and he deserves better than you," José Ras hissed before Elena gasped in pain and rested them on her stomach; she that something was going wrong and she needed to get to the hospital. 

Moving a hand away from her bump, Elena swallowed staring at the blood that covered her hand making José Ras pale as she realised what was happening; she had the opportunity to hurt the relationship and she doubted Robin would want Elena if she lost the baby. 

José Ras swallowed when her daughter-in-law looked at her helplessly, she had a number of thoughts rushing through her head; one screamed at her to walk away and not look back leaving the brunette to lose Robin's child to free him. 

However José Ras couldn't bring herself to just walk away leaving the baby to die, she couldn't bring herself to watch Elena lose Robin's baby, even if it got her what she wanted. 

Elena bit her lip as she closed her eyes in pain, her mind racing as she tried to think of what she would do if José Ras left her alone like this.

"Robin!" José Ras called finally moving into action and helped the brunette, Elena stared at her confused while her mother-in-law helped her sit down wondering why she was helping her when she hated her so much. 

"I'm not doing this for you," José Ras spat making Elena nod as tears filled her eyes and Robin burst into the room; he looked at his mother before turning his attention to his wife, he stopped as he saw the blood that covered her hands. 

"Call an ambulance... we need to get her to a hospital," José Ras said just as Allison walked into the room wondering what was going on, she stopped as she spotted the blood and swallowed while Robin pulled his mobile from his pocket and started to call for an ambulance knowing that they had to act quickly to save the baby.

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