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After their reception, they flew into Hawaii for their week-long honeymoon. They had checked into their hotel, the concierge had brought their bags to their suite, and now they were alone. Truly alone. Kellie was taking care of the kids while they were gone. Kinsey was nervous. She was a virgin after all and she knew what tonight was going to bring. Taking a deep breath, she opened the French doors, giggling at the name, and walked out onto the balcony. Hawaii at night! There was a slight breeze blowing and the sounds of the islands could be heard.

She was excited to get to explore and experience what this beautiful island had to offer. A pair of strong, muscular arms encircled her waist. She took a deep breath in as he rested his chin on her shoulder. He knew she was nervous about tonight. Kellie had a little chat with him about a chat she had had with Kinsey. This was their wedding night and she had told him she would not give up her virginity until she was married.

Why don't you go change into something more comfortable?' Eric finally whispered in her ear

She nodded at him as he removed his arms. He stayed out on the balcony for another minute or so to allow her time to find whatever she was going to change into. He wanted this night, their wedding night and her first time, to be extra special. He wanted her to feel all the passion and love he felt for her. She headed into the bathroom to change so he placed and lit the candles he had bought back home. They gave off quite the nice, romantic glow.

Their room had a stereo so he hooked up his iPod and browsed for the playlist he had created just for this. The music started and he smiled. He'd chosen the songs for a specific purpose. He poured the Reisling wine which was sweet with a fruity after taste. Eric thought she would like that more than more dry wine. Once all that was done, he looked around the room to make sure everything was perfect. She was still in the bathroom trying to calm the butterflies in her stomach. She wasn't sure her lingerie looked good on her but both Lori and Kellie had reassured her she looked incredible in it.

Taking a deep breath, she finally left the sanctuary of the bathroom. She understood what they would be doing tonight. She was excited but with having no experience at all, her nerves over took her brain. Hearing the bathroom door squeak open, Eric turned around. His breath caught in his throat as he let his eyes wander from top to bottom and back again. The blush was evident on her face and he found it adorable.

"Darlin..... you look....... Wow!" Eric stated, trying to find the right words, "You are so beautiful."

She blushed again. Eric quickly crossed the room and engulfed his new bride in his arms. Before she knew what was happening, his lips were on hers in a very heated kiss. She slid her arms around his waist as he pulled her closer to him. He had been fantasizing about this night for a very long time. He wanted to kiss her, to touch her, to taste her, to watch as her body convulsed in ecstasy. He wanted to hear her moans of pleasure, to hear her calling out his name in pure bliss.

He pulled himself away from her, grabbed her hand, and led her to the couch in their suite. She sat down and turned her body towards his. He poured them each a glass of the sweet, fruity wine then handed her one. She took a tentative sip, Eric watching her reaction closely, and was quite surprised at the taste. She liked it he was happy to see! He began running his left hand over the exposed part of her right leg. She giggled at the contact, sort of surprised at how soft his hands actually were.

They sat there in comfortable silence lost in their own thoughts and each other's company. She began to listen more closely to the music that was playing. She had heard this particular piece before. Eric sat there watching her face, and her body, as she listened to the music. She, much like her younger siblings, absorbed everything around her. Their impromptu piano lessons were proof of that! When she had finished her glass of wine, she looked over to her new husband. The nerves and butterflies were wearing off and the desire, love, and anticipation were coming to the surface.

Song of the SouthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon