Can we stay here?

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Kinsey was feeling slightly better after making the decision. Bill said he would do everything he could to expedite the sale of their family farm. The group would have to make a trip back to Texas to get whatever she wanted from the farm and pack up their house. Kinsey nodded silently as Lori entered the room. She apologized for interrupting but Bill said they were done. Lori smiled at the pair as she went about what she had come for.

Kinsey was staring to feel out of place. Everyone was quite friendly but this wasn’t her home. Kellie suggested they change the bandage on her arm and clean the wound. Lori wanted to watch so they sat at the kitchen table. Kinsey winced as Kellie cleaned her arm wound. Lori got a good look and frowned. She asked what had happened making Kinsey frown this time.

“Uh, my mom came home one night screaming and ranting about something. It was incoherent, at least to me, and she started yelling at my Dad. Things got out of hand and she cut me with a piece of broken glass.” Kinsey explained

“Oh sweetie I’m so sorry. Parents aren’t supposed to do that to their children!” Lori exclaimed, grabbing Kinsey’s right hand and giving it a squeeze

Bella ran into the room and up to Kinsey. She was all smiles and seemed to be very excited.

“Sissy? Can we stay here?” Bella asked

“What? Why?” Kinsey asked, trying to mask the shock in her voice

Kellie and Lori just grinned, both wanting to hear the young girl’s answer.

“The beach!” Hayden added in as he came to a stop next to his sisters

“The park we went to yesterday!” Bella stated with a huge grin

“Oh? I’m sure we can come back for a visit.” Kinsey countered

“It’s fun here!” Hayden stated

“And we like Stella.” Bella said

“Can they stay here momma?” Stella asked as she, too, came to a stop by her mother

“Well baby that depends on a few things.” Lori told her daughter

“But they’re my friends! Can’t they stay?” Stella pouted

“Yeah sissy! Can’t we stay? We want to go back to the beach!” Hayden exclaimed

“We like Eric and Kellie, sissy. They promised to take us to all sorts of neat places!” Daisy added to the conversation as she walked in

“Ok guys settle down. There’s things I need to figure out first but I will definitely think about moving out here. But that would mean I have to sell our home and farm.” Kinsey explained

“What? I love the farm!” Jesse stated with a pout

“I do too, Jesse. If I sold the farm and found a house out here, I would look for one with lots of land that we could make a new farm with. Would that be ok?” Kinsey asked

“Would it be as big as our farm?” Daisy questioned

“Probably not. But I would still need your help with it.” Kinsey said

“How big would our house be?” Jesse asked

Kinsey chuckled while the two older ladies just smiled.

“I don’t know. I’d have to go look at houses first.” Kinsey stated, “I have an idea! Why don’t you guys go up to your room and write a list of what you would want in a new house.”

“Ok!” Jesse exclaimed before rushing out of the dining room.

The other children, including Stella, quickly followed suit.

“Well, what would it take to convince you to sell and move out here?” Lori questioned once all the kids were gone

“I’ve already decided to sell and move out here. Bill said he had a real estate agent friend who would start looking for a house for me.” Kinsey confessed

“Really?” Kellie exclaimed, “Oh that’s wonderful to hear! You won’t regret moving here, I promise!”

“Where are you going to stay while you house hunt?” Lori questioned, glancing at Kellie

“If Eric will allow it, I guess we’ll stay here. Hopefully it won’t take long to find a place, though.” Kinsey stated, looking away from the pair of ladies

“I know Eric. He won’t have a problem with it.” Kellie retorted with a huge grin

Kellie could see the attraction her ex-husband had for the younger woman. Having her in his house for who-knows-how long would make him very happy. Barry came in and announced that dinner was done. Brent had brought in a platter of sliced tomatoes, onions, and pickles. Lori got up so she could prepare glasses for the little ones.

Kinsey excused herself so she could get the children washed for dinner. Kellie just smiled at her before getting up to help get everything ready for dinner. Barry suggested they make plates and eat out on the back porch. Kellie thought that was a great idea. Kinsey found all the kids in the room Daisy and Jesse were sharing. Kinsey told them dinner was done and that they needed to wash up for supper. Daisy and Jesse headed across the hall to the bathroom first. The other three would need help in washing their faces and hands.

Once all the kids had been washed, Kinsey washed her own hands and then led the kids downstairs. Eric was handing small glasses of milk to the two older kids. Kinsey stopped and just watched him with her siblings. He was so friendly and loving towards them. She watched as he handed the smaller three children sippy cups of milk. There was a platter of hamburgers and hot dogs with buns as well as a platter of veggies to go along with it.

Eric was opening a couple beers for the guys when he looked up to see Kinsey walking up. He watched as she began making the plates for Bella and Hayden. Daisy and Jesse had filtered back in to make their plates. Eric watched as she helped them get what they wanted. He couldn’t help but feel a longing. He wanted children of his own. He wanted to come home from long days at the studio or a long tour and hear what is new with his children. He wanted to come home and see how much they’ve grown and learned since he saw them last.

”You’re staring. Barry whispered to Eric

The taller man snapped his head towards the drummer. A slight blush creeped across his face. He handed Barry a beer, grabbed one for himself and another for Bill. The dreadlocked drummer just laughed slightly. Eric was quite enamored with Kinsey and Barry could see why. She was a very beautiful, loving, giving, kind woman. Brent was making sure all the kids had a plate before telling the women to come get food.

Bill had pulled Eric aside as he was walking outside. He had nearly been run over by the children and inquired what they were in such a hurry for. After being told why, he decided to talk to Eric. Before he could find the bassist, his phone rang and he had to take care of some business. He was now explaining to Eric what he’d been told by the kids. It made Eric very happy to know that she was actually, and seriously, considering moving to Charleston. The older man also informed the bassist that his real estate agent friend had already found a couple properties if he wanted to go look at them tomorrow.

Eric was more than happy to go check them out. If he bought a new house and sold the one they were currently in then she would have the money from selling their farm to put away. Bill could see how happy hearing Kinsey giving some serious thought to moving to Charleston made Eric. The bass player began thinking of what Kellie could take the kids and Kinsey to do tomorrow to keep them occupied all day. Barry and Lori should probably go with them too. Kinsey needed to bond and make friends. All their long-distance correspondence had been fine. Now she needed friends, real friends, and a new family.

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