Chapter 44: A part of the band?

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They were sitting at IHOP waiting for their food to arrive. Eric had sent the photo of their new tattoos that Barry had shared with him to Kellie. He also sent it to Kinsey so she would have it too. Eric uploaded it to their social media sights and, with a shaky breath, hit the ‘enter’ button. The band were just chatting about random things when a fan approached their table. The kid couldn’t be more than about twelve years old and he was looking around like he was afraid his parents were going to find out what he was doing. 

“Hi there, young man!” Brent smiled at him when the vocalist noticed him 

“Uh, hi.” The kid shyly stated 

“What can we do for you?” Brent smiled warmly  

“Sorry for bothering you….” He trailed, “….but can I have your autograph?” 

“Absolutely! Who are we making this out to?” Barry replied as he motioned the kid closer to their table 

“Sam. I just wanted to say what a big fan I am. Bully means a lot to me.” Sam said as he slid over his Sound of Madness cd 

“That means a lot! We’re always glad to hear our music means something to our fans.” Zach smiled at the young boy 

“Is she going to be a part of the band?” Sam inquired 

Everyone looked over to Kinsey who looked absolutely mortified. 

“We haven’t discussed that yet. What do you think?” Brent asked Sam 

“I would love it! All my friends thinks she’s really great and we all love seeing her on stage when she plays with you. My friend Amanda thinks she and Eric are really cute together.” Sam explained 

“We might put a poll out on Twitter and Facebook and see what everyone thinks.” Barry smiled 

SAM! There you are! What have I told you about bothering other people? Get your ass over here!” A blond woman exclaimed, making nearly all the patrons in the restaurant look over at him 

“Keep your chin, Sam!” Eric told him as Brent handed his cd back 

“Thank you.” Sam mumbled before walking back to his mother 

“You know, I’ve heard a lot of people say how well she fits into the band.” Jake stated 

Barry and Zach couldn’t chuckle at her terrified expression. 

“No need to look so terrified. You’re great on stage! Eric has taught you really well.” Brent told her 

“Absolutely! The crowd really goes crazy whenever you perform with us!” Barry added 

Kinsey just looked away, embarrassed.  

“You know, it really wouldn’t be a bad idea. The songs that we use the bass tracks on, Eric could actually play while she played the piano parts.” Zach stated 

“Zach that’s a good point. He can come up with and record any piano parts on upcoming records but she can play them live!” Brent stated 

“Oh no, no, no.” Kinsey exclaimed 

“Why not? You’re great. Eric has taught you to play really well. And as Sam said, the fans love you!” Barry told her 

“Jesse already thinks you’re on the road with us because you actually in the band.” Zach laughed 

“I…I can’t.” She stated 

“Why not?” Zach questioned, furrowing his brows in confusion 

“I… I’m just not cut out for all that.” She stuttered 

“Nonsense! You are such a natural. The crowd just loves you when you play with Eric.” Jake told her 

Seeing her becoming very uncomfortable, Eric finally changed the subject so they could finish their meal and get back out on the road. He got the group talking about their upcoming European leg of the tour. They had plenty of time to get to the next venue so they leisurely ate their dinner. She was excited to see Europe. It was the whole reason she’d agreed to come out on the road even if she was forced to come out sooner than she had wanted to. Jake was determined to help her see everything she wanted to to while they were over there.  

As a matter of fact, the whole crew had sort of taken her under their wing. They showed her everything they did whenever she showed interest. They looked after her like a family member would. Brent couldn’t help but chuckle softly at Kinsey’s enthusiasm. They had all been there at one point. The prospect of seeing these new places and different cultures. They did as much sight-seeing as possible but even they hadn’t seen everything they wanted to.

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