A talk with the children

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They made their way to the nicest restaurant she had ever been in. He was surprised they had gotten such amazing seats in the restaurant. She wasn’t much of a drinker but he was determined to acclimate her to the taste of wine. He was sure he could find one she liked! Kinsey looked around the place just taking it all in. This place was definitely for couples! The lighting was low and romantic, most of the tables were only for two, and there was a beautiful waterfall that was viewable from every table!

They placed their orders, with Eric also ordering two glasses of a specific wine, and then were left alone. He just watched her looking around taking things in. She had never really had a real date before, much less somewhere like this. He wasn’t trying to show off he just wanted her to have these experiences. He wanted to show her the world! Her eyes landed on a majestic grand piano. She didn’t see a sign that said no one could play it so she wondered if he would. His eyes landed on what she was looking at and smiled. As their waiter came by, he stopped him and asked if he could play.

The waiter smiled and said no one usually played it but he was more than welcome to. That was unusual but Eric smiled happily. She quickly followed him as he moved to sit at the piano. There was a small, tall table nearby so she sat down at it as his fingers began to ghost over the keys. She didn’t recognize what he was playing but it was still beautiful and she always loved watching him play. He was so good and he really got into whatever he playing no matter the instrument. As she sat there watching and listening, she discovered there were several others who had come to stand by the piano as Eric played. Some people were even videoing and photographing him!

“Ma’am, your dinner has arrived.” The waiter told her as he came to a stop next to her

She thanked him and asked if he could tell her companion. He grinned before walking over to said man. Eric had completely lost himself in the music, as he usually did, and was quite surprised to realize he’d been playing that long. When he stood up, he found a small crowd watching him and clapping. He smiled at everyone as he thanked them. People told him how good he was and that he had made their night with his playing. It made him feel good. Not as good as catching Kinsey’s eye as she stared at him with what he could only describe as a loving grin.

They sat back down at their table to have dinner. She inquired about the piece of music he had been playing. With a warm grin, he said it was simply something that was rolling around in his head. His answer made her giggle which in turn made him smile. When he leaned over to feed her a bite from his plate, she chuckled but took the offered bite. It was kind of arousing to see her eat from his fork but he tried very hard not to get a bit pervy about it. They chatted about food while they ate dinner. She was curious where they were headed next but he refused to tell her.


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