Meeting with Dad

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Seeing her dad in the hospital really upset Kinsey. She had tried so hard to take care of him and he still wound up here. The IV in his arm, the oxygen tubes in his nose, all the machines just go to her. She was very glad that Kellie had offered to watch the other children because Kinsey k new they wouldn’t be able to handle this sight. He turned his head when light from the hallway entered his room. He smiled at his oldest daughter as she crossed the room to his bed.

“Oh Daddy!” She exclaimed, leaning down to hug her father

“Sweetie, don’t worry about me.” He stated

“I tried, Daddy! I tried my best to take care of you!” She uttered

“I know, Pumpkin. This isn’t your fault.” He told her

“There’s some things we need to talk about.” Kinsey spoke

“I know.” He said

Bill, James, Bill’s doctor friend Aaron, and Eric all entered the room. Seeing Kinsey so down-hearted made Eric sad. He wanted to make her happy, to make her forget her troubles.

“Troy, it’s good to see you.” Eric stated, moving to shake the man’s hand

“We need to discuss what you want to do about your farm and the younger children and any other assets you have.” James started out with, “What I would suggest is firstly signing a Power of Attorney over to Kinsey.”

“Does she know all the medical stuff?” Troy questioned

“All I told her was that you were very sick.” Bill stated

“Troy’s medical problems are quite severe. The Pneumonia has wreaked havoc on his lungs and system. When I went down to Texas to examine him, I ran every test I could think of. I wanted a clear picture of his health.” Doctor Aaron started out making Kinsey very nervous, “Some of the tests came back revealing stage 4 lung cancer. It’s probably due to years of pesticide use.”

“What?!” Kinsey exclaimed

“What I want to do is get everything set up the way Troy wants it. Make sure all his wishes and concerns are taken care of. That will, hopefully, make it easier on everyone.” James stated

Kinsey was so shocked! She knew her dad was sick and needed more medical care. Stage 4 lung cancer was not what she was prepared for! Eric just wanted to wrap her in his arms and take all the pain, uncertainty, and fear away.

“Firstly, the children. Kinsey is 21 years old and has been taking care of them for the last several years. I, personally, think taking them away from her would do more harm to them than good. I can make her their legal guardian if that’s what you and she would want.” James stated

Kinsey looked over to her father. He looked at her then over to Eric and back again.

“Taking them away from Kinsey could really do them harm?” Troy asked

“I believe so, yes. Especially the older ones.” James stated, “Oh, do you want her to have Power of Attorney?”

“She’ll be able to make all decisions regarding me, the farm, everything?” Troy asked

“We can have it set up any way we like. If that’s the way you want it, that’s the way it will be written up. What do you want to do with your farm?” James stated

“It’s been in our family for years. I’d like to keep it if possible.” Troy stated with a sigh, “But that might be too much for Kinsey to handle. With the children and all.”

“With her having Power of Attorney we can deal with that issue later. Now you’re still married to Gail, correct? Kinsey’s mother?” James asked

“That’s right. She’s an unfit parent, she shouldn’t get visitation or custody of those kids. And she sure as hell don’t deserve anything that comes from my family’s farm!” Troy stated, more sure and passionate about that than anything they’d discussed

They went over Kinsey having custody of her siblings and made sure she was certain she wanted legal guardianship of them. Troy knew she wouldn’t be able to run the farm, take care of the kids, and still go to school. He hated selling the farm that had been in his family for such a long time. It was their family home after all! If they sold the farm, he worried about where the six of them would live. Bill had already discussed that with James.

Selling or keeping the farm would be up to Kinsey. Troy signed over papers giving everything to his oldest daughter. It was all hers to do with as she pleased. The children would stay with their big sister. Troy decided he wanted to be put in the facility that Aaron had suggested. He didn’t want Kinsey to bear the burden of looking after him as he died. They asked Kinsey if she had any questions. Aaron told her that she and her siblings would be able to visit their father any time they wished. Visitation was encouraged to a certain point.

James and Bill told Troy they would help get everything switched over into Kinsey’s name and help with anything else she would need. James had already started writing up some of the paperwork that would need to be done while they sat there discussing everything. Eric just sat back and watched Kinsey. His heart was heavy for her. The young woman’s whole world had just been turned upside down! Bill suggested they let Troy and Kinsey speak alone. Eric told her that they would be right outside if she needed anything.

As soon as they were alone Troy asked, “Do you have friends that can and will help you with the kids?”

“Eric and his ex-wife will. I’m sure their friends and the rest of his band will help with anything I might need.” Kinsey replied

“Where does Eric live?” Troy questioned

“Eric and Kellie live here in Charleston. Barry and Lori live in Jacksonville, Florida. Brent lives in LA but is out here quite a bit. Zach and his wife Bethany live in Memphis.” Kinsey stated

“I want you to look after those kids. Give them the life they deserve. Do everything you can to keep them away from your mother.” Troy told her squeezing her hand, “Don’t be afraid to live, Kinsey. Live for yourself as well as for them. Go out and experience everything you can. Take risks, try new things, see new places. Most of all….. fall in love.”

“Daddy….I…. I don’t what I’m doing. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.” She started before he cut her off

“It seems like you have some good friends standing behind you. You’ll be alright. Like I said, live for yourself as well. Continue your education but experience things. Explore, keep learning, keep bettering yourself.” Troy stated before there came a knock at the door

“Kinsey? I need to take your father upstairs for a treatment.” Doctor Aaron said, stepping into the room

“Go, Pumpkin. I’ll see you later.” Troy said, voice low and oddly calm

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