Chapter 43: Couple's Tattoo!

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It had taken Kinsey a while to get used to being on the road. Not just with all the traveling but being away from the kids. She had to get used to the schedule of the band and how to find some “alone time” with Eric. While the band were doing interviews, photo shoots, radio stuff, and other band stuff she was out sight-seeing in whatever city they were in. She was taking photographs of everything she could to send back to the kids.  

She made it a point to speak to the kids every other night, not on show nights obviously, and stayed in close contact with Kellie. As much as she hated the idea at first, she had discovered she like not having the responsibilities of children and such. She liked being able to go out and do stuff or go out with the guys. One night before the show, Eric asked Kinsey if she wanted to go do something crazy. Her confused look made him chuckle. 

“I want to get couples tattoo.” He stated just making her more confused, “You would get a tattoo and I would get one that matched or went along with it.” 

“Oh. You… seriously?” She asked 

“Yes baby. There’s an amazing artist here and he does great work. Would you like to do this with me?” He asked 

“I..uh…. a tattoo? I mean not that….” She stuttered 

“You don’t have to if you really don’t want to. I was just throwing the idea out there.” He smiled at her 

She bit her lower lip as she thought about it. The idea did sound romantic. And she had a hard time telling him no. 

“As long as you’re there, I’ll do it.” She finally stated 

“Really? Awesome! I’m sure the guys will want to go too just to see you get this tattoo. We’ll see what he can do but we’ll both agree on them no matter what we get, OK?” Eric beamed at her 

She couldn’t believe she just agreed to this! It was nearly time for the show, so he left her to go get ready. She was wondering how painful this was going to be and what they would eventually have permanently on them. Something permanently that symbolized their love. Something that would inevitably be photographed on him. Something permanent that he wanted to get together. She loved seeing them play each show but she was getting anxious.  

Jake could only laugh. Eric had told them what they were going to do after the show. He definitely wanted to go and see her get her first tattoo! The next time he looked over at her, she was dancing around head banging to ’Devour’. Jake could only smile at her and her enthusiasm. Sparky got in on the head banging and before long she was dancing around with him, Bear, and Oogie the bass tech. All too soon they had finished their set, played the encore, and were on their way to getting a quick shower.  

Eric and Kellie had put out on social media about their divorce, which they’d been keeping out of the public, how long they’d been divorced and even why. Eric knew that he’d be posting photos of himself and Kinsey and he didn’t want people assuming he was cheating on Kellie. Eric had received mixed messages about the whole thing. It surprised him at how many people were upset that he and Kellie had split up! There were quite a lot of people who were understanding and even supporting of their decision.

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