Sneaky plans

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Daisy kept asking questions about being on stage with Eric and Brent while Jesse wanted to be able to play with Zach and Barry. Kinsey could only laugh at her too-excitable siblings. They were taking their bows at the edge of the stage so Kinsey decided now was a good time to get the kids back to the hotel. Kellie agreed so after they made their way to band’s dressing room, she picked up a sleeping Hayden and followed Bill, Kinsey, and the two bigger kids. They had to walk to slowly, since there were two toddlers being carried, Kinsey was pushing a stroller, and they were walking with two other children.

Daisy kept going on and on about Kinsey playing on stage with the band which made Kinsey laugh softly. Upon making it to the hotel, Bill sent a text to Jake letting him know where they had all gone. After making it to their floor, Kinsey opened up the door to their suite and rolled Lane into his room. Kellie set Hayden down on the bed before asking Bill to follow her. Jesse and Daisy weren’t sleepy yet but she knew both needed to get some sleep. Kinsey had to laugh thinking the two older kids would be going to sleep any time soon! Bill laughed and said that everyone on this floor was part of the band’s crew so Kellie could leave her door open and not worry.

Kinsey was making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the two older kids when Bill and Kellie returned. Shortly before the band made it to the hotel, Lane woke up crying. Kinsey changed his diaper and then took him and his diaper bag out into the “living room” where she could feed the baby and still converse with her “guests”. Although they were tired from the show, the entire band wanted to see Kinsey and the kids before they went to bed.

“Honey, we’re home!” Brent called out as he burst through the door to Eric’s suite

Kellie and Kinsey both laughed at the vocalist which made him smile. Lane wasn’t wanting to go back to sleep so Kinsey stood up and sort of rocked back and forth. Eric said he was going to take a quick shower while Barry figured out the dinner situation. The drummer chuckled and suggested they just order in. Bill laughed too and said he’d get them food before leaving the group alone.

“Well. This was an interesting show!” Zach chuckled

“Did Sissy do good?” Jesse inquired

“She was fabulous! The crowd loved her.” Brent smiled

“And so did we!” Barry added in

“Is she going to play with you now?” Jesse asked with a mouthful of sandwich

“Only if she wanted to, little buddy! I know Eric would love it if she came out on the road with us all the time!” Brent replied

“I’m not sure what Eric was thinking, dragging me up there with y’all.” Kinsey exclaimed, looking down at a still-awake Lane, “But this is definitely a night I will never forget.”

“Well I’m glad. That’s all Eric wanted.” Zach smiled at her

“What’s wrong with little man?” Brent asked

“Stubborn little fart doesn’t wanna go to sleep.” Kinsey shrugged

Brent nodded to Zach who simply got up and left the room. A few minutes later he returned with his acoustic. Kinsey sat down on the couch, tired of being on her feet for so long, while Daisy and Jesse sat down on the floor in front of her. Zach started playing some tune which made Lane start smiling and giggling. Brent just smiled too, seeing the baby and reminiscing about his own son. Eric showered as quickly as he could but each time he closed his eyes, all he could see was her in that stunning outfit and he had to stay in the shower a few more minutes.

When he came out of the bathroom, he found everyone sitting around listening to Zach play guitar. The two older kids were sitting on the floor in front of Kinsey who was seated, holding a giggling Lane. This was a site that Eric really loved. He’d helped her change the baby a time or two. He’d help feed Lane. Hell, he’d even given Lane his bath a few times. With a warm smile he plopped down next to Kinsey who just looked over at him with a shy smile.

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