Is it love?

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“It’s not your fault. It’s really messed up when I think about it.” She chuckled, “I’ve been a mom since I was 16 and I’m still a virgin.”

Eric couldn’t help but laugh at her statement too.

“That’s what makes you so amazing, Kinsey. You’re so loving and not bitter about things. You’re so optimistic and caring.” He told her, giving her a light squeeze

She blushed at the compliment. He leaned over and kissed her passionately.

“So… what are we going to do this weekend?” She asked

“I figured we’d go to some of the touristy attractions, see the city.” He told her, “But honestly as long as you and the kids are with me, I don’t care what we do. All I care about is spending time with you.”

His words made her heart flutter. Was this normal? Her goofy grin made him grin at her.

“What are you smilin’ at, beautiful?” Eric whispered in her ear

“What you said.” She confessed, blush quickly rising to her cheeks

“It’s true, baby. Every word. Mmm, I’ve missed you so much….” He exclaimed, voice getting deeper

She had heard that voice before when they started making out and things got a little… Although she didn’t know why, she liked that deep voice. It made her insides feel funny.

“I’ve missed you to. I miss our talks, our late-night piano lessons, cuddling on the couch watching movies, watching you play.” She sighed

“I can’t express to you how much I miss all that too.” Eric stated before standing up, “Come on.”

She stood up and followed him into the bedroom they would sharing. He told her to get settled on the bed. She did as she was told but suddenly got nervous as to why. When he turned around, she was laying on her stomach looking at him. He smiled as he sat down Indian style on the floor in front of the bed and got his acoustic guitar ready. She giggled as he began playing some unknown tune to her. ”I could watch him play any instrument all day” she thought to herself. He was just happy that he was making her happy.

Barry and Brent walked into the suite and found Bella & Hayden still sleeping on the loveseat. They followed the sound of music into the room Eric was sleeping in. Both men could only smile at the sight they walked in on. Kinsey was laying on her stomach, head being held up in her hands, and she was staring so lovingly at Eric. It was obvious she was in love with the older man. Eric was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed and playing his acoustic guitar. It wasn’t a tune either of them had heard before.

”He needs to just propose and marry her already!” Brent whispered to his drummer

Barry chuckled, ”You realize he’s planning something for our stop in Paris?”

”Really?” Brent exclaimed in shock

”Oh yeah. I’ll tell you about it later.” Barry replied with a wide smile

They stood there watching Eric more or less serenade Kinsey for a few more minutes before heading back into the living room. She was loving what she was hearing and couldn’t keep her eyes off him. He always had music and ideas floating in his head but she…. She made it 1000% times worse. Not that he was complaining! She had turned into his muse and everything he had written or recorded in the last several months was because of her.

He played and played, tune after tune, anything he could do to make her happy and smile. She sighed happily, loving getting to just watch him play. She really loved watching him play any instrument. It didn’t matter, he made music interesting and beautiful. Kellie returned with Daisy and Jesse who wanted to tell their big sister all about what they’d watched. Barry told them that Eric and Kinsey were in the bedroom and that they were free to go in there.

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