Her first Shinedown show

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The band were getting ready to hit the stage while their opening act played. Kellie could tell Kinsey was still nervous about her outfit but kept reassuring her that she looked amazing. The kids were getting antsy which made Kinsey chuckle. They were getting to see the show from the side of the stage. Bill had Lane and his stroller and headed into the band’s dressing room. Eric was worried that Kinsey and the kids weren’t going to make it.

When they walked to the stage, Eric’s chin hit the floor. Even the rest of his band were amazed at how she looked. She blushed, seeing all these people staring at her, and it just melted Eric’s heart if that was even possible any more. He quickly walked over and picked her up off the ground. Bella giggled seeing him spinning her mommy around. Even Kinsey started giggling. Eric finally stopped spinning them around as he set her back on the ground.

”My God woman, what are you trying to do to me?” Eric whispered as he pressed his forehead to hers

”Kellie thought I should dress up since this is my first Shinedown show. She thought you’d like it.” Kinsey replied with a giggle

”You are so beautiful. Inside and out. I’m gonna have to watch out for you!” He grinned

She didn’t quite understand.

”Why?” She asked

”Because the boys are going to be all over you!” He said before kissing her lips, ”You really don’t know just how gorgeous you are, do you?”

”I’m only pretty because of you….” She trailed

“5 minutes guys!” Jake called out

“I hope you have a really great show!” Kinsey stated with a grin

“I will because you’re here with me.” He retorted

He leaned down and kissed her passionately, lightly nibbling on her lower lip. She giggled at the contact before sighing happily. He always made her feel funny when they had these little moments. He kissed her again before letting her go and grabbing his bass from his tech. The kids hugged his legs making him bend down and hug them back.

“Have fun, daddy!” Hayden stated, hugging Eric’s leg tightly

“I will, buddy. You have fun too!” Eric smiled at the young boy

Kinsey slipped the ear protection over each child’s ears to protection. The band’s intro “Scary Faerie” started and the band took their spots on the stage. Kellie told the kids that the show was starting and to have a good time. Kinsey was getting antsy. Eric was having a hard time getting his head where it needed to be. All he could think about was how amazing Kinsey looked! They started with ’Enemies’, according to the set list taped on the floor where Eric could see it. Their set list tonight was:

Enemies, Devour, Unity, The Crow & The Butterfly, I'll Follow You, Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay Boom), If You Only Knew, Amaryllis, Sound of Madness, 45, and the Encore: Second Chance, Simple Man (Lynyrd Skynyrd cover), Call Me, and finally Bully.

Three new songs were played in between the older stuff. Before the fifth song, however, Brent took the opportunity to call out Kinsey.

“Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to take this opportunity to call out a wonderful young lady this evening. She’s a very special young lady, especially to Eric over there.” Brent stated making the whole audience go ’awwww’ before he continued

Before he could, however, Bella took the opportunity to run out on stage and attach herself to Eric’s leg. Kellie could only laugh as she told Kinsey to go out and get the girl. The audience was so sweet to Bella. Kinsey cautiously walked out on stage, after a gentle shove from Jake who was laughing too.

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