A Touchy Subject

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Eric and Barry decided they should get to Eric’s room. A few minutes later Jesse, after getting his bath, had come into Kinsey’s room. He sat down on her bed and listened to her reading. Daisy was the next to get her bath. Once she was cleaned up she, too, headed straight for Kinsey’s room. She sat at the edge of the bed and listened as Kinsey soothingly read stories to her siblings. The two musicians had once again stopped at her doorway and just listened and observed. Eric couldn’t help but smile.

Once the two smallest were asleep, she looked over to see the two oldest. Jesse was curled up on her bed already fast asleep. Daisy was still fighting sleep but she was awake enough to walk next door to the room she was sharing with Jesse. Kinsey picked up the eldest boy in her arms and walked him to his room. She got him tucked into bed as Daisy was crawling into hers. She kissed both their foreheads good night and gently shut the door behind her. Lane still needed to be bathed and changed so she went to fetch him from his car seat in her room.

He was still small enough she could bath him in the sink. As she was placing him in the sink, Lori came to stand at the door. She smiled at the younger woman as she fondly remembered the days of bathing Stella in the sink. Kinsey shyly smiled back before turning her attention back to a fussy Lane.

“How old is the little guy?” Lori asked quietly

“He’s about…. 3 months I believe.” Kinsey replied

“Has he started sleeping through the night yet?” Lori questioned

“No. He suffers from Colic so some nights he doesn’t really sleep at all.” Kinsey confessed

“Oh damn. That’s rough. For him and for you. Do you have anyone back home who can help with him?” Lori asked, furrowing her brows

“Daisy helps when she’s home from school and on weekends and stuff. At night though it’s just me. The kids need their rest for school so I hate bothering them.” Kinsey stated as Lane squirmed around

“What about your father?” Lori questioned

She knew it was a bit of a touchy subject but she didn’t quite know the whole story about Kinsey’s father.

“He’s disabled. Happened when I was about 15 or so. That’s when I started doing more around the house and farm. Well, I’ve always helped but I just started taking on more responsibilities. He can’t do much for himself.” Kinsey confessed

“Well, you have a whole big group who you can depend on now.” Lori exclaimed with a huge grin

Kinsey knew what Lori was trying to do but it still made her a bit emotional. Since graduation, she hadn’t had much of a social life. Her life for the last several years revolved around family and farm. She finally got Lane bathed, diapered, and into his little pajamas. Lori watched as Kinsey began picking up the bathroom, holding Lane in her left arm like a pro, from all the kids’ baths. When she was done, she took all the dirty clothes into her room and set them on the luggage. Lori suggested they head back downstairs.

Eric, Kellie, Bill, and James were sitting in the living room. Brent, Barry, and Stella were still in the dining room. Lori asked if she could take the baby since Kinsey had some business to take care of. Kinsey reluctantly handed him over. It wasn’t that she didn’t think Lori wouldn’t look after her littlest brother. She had a child of her own she she was more than capable. Kinsey was worried that the fussy baby would be an annoyance to them and she didn’t want that.

“Miss Kinsey?” Bill stated

“Yes? Oh.” Kinsey stated

Kellie was sitting on a love seat while Eric was sitting on the l-shaped cream colored leather couch. Bill and James were sitting in two of the plushy recliners. Kinsey opted to have a seat on the couch but kept a good distance between herself and Eric.

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