Chapter 25 - Guess Who Is In Town

Start from the beginning

"I'll pull over to the next station."

"Okay." Then, Jake ended the call.

About 15 minutes later, we stopped at a station with a food court. After I filled the tank, I asked Jake if he could watch my kids.

"Jake, can you watch Día and Rocco? I am going to get some snacks and something for them to drink. Would you like something too?"

"Sure, go ahead. I'll be right here. And, no, thank you."

So, I went inside. They didn't really have anything for a person with diabetes to eat. And I don't have either mine or Cris's insulin. Plus, we are training Dia and Rocco to eat right. We didn't cut sugar out of their diet, but we want to cut back.

The food court did have a Starbucks, so I got myself a Grande Cinnamon Dolce Latte with sugar-free syrup. They did have protein boxes, so I got three of those. After paying for everything, I went back to my truck.

By the time I got back, Día and Rocco were awake. So, I gave them the protein boxes and tried to find something on TV for them to watch. I found SpongeBob, so they watched that.

We got back in our vehicles and drove the rest of the way. I could hear laughing and giggling in the back. "I am glad they are happy." Me on the other hand, I felt hurt and broken.

My life was a mess. Reed, Candi, Addison, Chase, and Jake's ex-girlfriend, Samantha, want to harm me. I didn't do anything to any of these people, but they either want me dead, or in Chase's case, he wants me for pleasure. I don't even want to think about what he has in mind.

As I pondered these thoughts, Jake turned into a gated community and up to a beautiful house.

When we arrived, it was late in the evening. Cris was standing near the door, waiting for us. "Día and Rocco, let's get out of the truck and go to Daddy. "

"Okay, mommy." So, I got them out of their seats, and they ran to Cris. Me, I closed the doors and pressed the alarm, but I froze. I couldn't move. I just stood there and started crying.

Cris' POV

"Go inside to Nonna and Nonno." They both ran into the house. I noticed Kamea frozen near her truck. So, I went over to her.

"All day, it has been nothing but drama. Addison started with me again when she saw Jake, but he put her in her place. Then, we went to the phone store. The salesman, as Jake put it, had 'eye sex with me.' As we were leaving, his ex-girlfriend started with me. I tried to walk away, but I blew it and knocked her out. The black Tahoe following us, and now this? When is it going to stop? I can't take anymore, Cris. And what about our insulin? If I don't take it at the same time, well, you saw what happened."

I couldn't tell her when it would end because I didn't have an answer. "Come on, let's get inside out of the heat." As we were walking in the house, I was outraged at what she said happened through today. I mumbled every curse word in Italian.

"What are we going to do about clothes? What about school for Día and Rocco? And I was hoping to go back to work tomorrow. I can't lose my job. I love what I do and the many friends I made there. I worked hard to get where I got. To see it waste away like this hurts. I am not a quitter by any means. But this Chase thing really has me scared. I have had to re-arrange my life in the span of a week."

"Follow me, love." I took Kamea to the back patio so that we could talk alone. I sat first on one of the patio couches and then had her sit between my legs. Kamea laid her head on my chest.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. As for the insulin, I will call first thing in the morning. What is your doctor's name?"

"Her name is Dr. Sanchez. Her number is in my cell phone number. I put a password word on it. It is __."

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