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It's 10 p.m.

There's nothing wrong with that time except Yoongi said he'd be here an hour ago. Here I stay patiently waiting for him like dog waiting for it's owner.

You'd think because I'm his personal assistant and manager I'd know where he was but I don't. As the clock ticks I grow worried with anticipation.

"Mr., We're going close soon." I nodded my head. Yoongi doesn't stand me up.

I was right.

"Sorry Hoseok I got carried away with trying to get ready."

"It took you an hour?"

He put his down in shame "It's just we haven't been here for awhile and then the press followed me..."

I nodded my head the press is always on him.

"Sorry but we have to ask you both to leave", the waiter said.

"How much money to keep this place open for just us two?" I looked Yoongi waving my hands "No no let's just order food and go to my house."

"I'd say about $10,000."

"Okay here", Yoongi said while handing his black card.

I gulped "Yoongi you don't-"

"It's our date remember?" He smiled at me and drank some water.

I just might do the same because it's getting hot in here.


Today Yoongi and I are taking a day off.

You might think I'll relax with all the work he gives me but no.

I love dancing as much as I love Yoongi.

I also have two friends named Jimin and Taehyung who also come to dance.

"Hyung!" Jimin and Tae yelled in unison. "What is it?" I smiled at both of them running to me.

"You've been gone for too long!" I laughed at Tae doing ageyo. "I know I've just been busy." Truth is I never told them I worked for the Min Yoongi. Why? I'm afraid they'll use me to get close to him.

"You should make it up to us by buying us lunch."

"Sure thing Jimin" I ruffled his hair lightly. "After practice of course." They both nodded their heads and they both caught me up with the new routine they have been working on.

For some reason they look up to me.


"Thank you hyung!" Jimin began eating his plate of food. He's like my little brother I love Jimin but not in that way.

"You're the best!" Tae gave me his smile.

His smile. It's precious. It reminds me of Yoongi's somehow. With Tae I'm confused with him. One minute he's my friend the next he makes me flustered.

So could I possibly like him? Maybe.

Just then my phone rang and it was Yoongi.

"I have to take this", I stood up walking towards the outside.

"What is it?"

"I can see you!" I began looking around my surroundings. "Over here pabo!" I then saw a little man waving his arms.

I smiled and waved back.

Even if he was wearing a mask and sunglasses with a hat that's my Yoongi.

I mean that's Yoongi. He's not mine.

"You eating lunch? Can I come? I gulped "Um I'm with friends..."

"Oh I get it." Yoongi seemed hurt. I didn't want that. Knowing he's hurt even just a little because of me I can't stand that. "You know what I think it's time they know why I come so late."

Yoongi wrapped his arm around me and we began walking into the restaurant.

"Well Tae, Jimin, I'd like you to meet my friend whose my boss don't freak out now, Min Yoongi."

Their mouths dropped as Yoongi shook off his face mask and sunglasses.

"YOU WORK FOR-" I stuffed Jimin's mouth with food. "Don't scream or else people with recognize him!"

We both sat down.

"Hyung why didn't you tell us you worked for Yoongi I love his music." I looked at Jimin.

"I was afraid you guys would use me to get close to him." I put my head down.

"Hyung we wouldn't do that!"

For some reason I don't believe Jimin. The way he's looking at Yoongi gives me a weird vibe.

I look over at Tae whose already looking at me.

He simply smiled.

I painfully smiled back.

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