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"Hyung!" Yoongi turned around instantly stopping what he was doing.

I'm the only person he actually listens to so in a way I'm special.

"Yes what is it?"

"Good news, we got the building!" Yoongi instantly jumped up and hugged me. I was in his arms as he stared at me showing his gummy smile.

That's signature smile that makes the girls and boys go crazy.

"This is great! Now I can really start my entertainment business!" I realized I was still holding onto him so I let go quickly afraid to make things awkward. "Do we start packing?"

"Immediately, I can pack my own things start with yours." I nodded my head and started walking out of his studio. "Wait." He held onto my wrist.

"Y-Yeah?" He smiled at me again.

"I want to properly thank you since I know it was hard getting that building." I gulped nervously he's never acted like this before.

"O-oh really? You don't have to I'm just doing my job-"

"I'll take you out tonight let's celebrate my treat and our spot". He winked at me then let my wrist go.

I had to get out of there and as soon as I closed his door I put a hand over my heart.

It felt as if my heart wanted to burst out of my chest and reveal how I felt.

That can never happen.

I continued walking to my office and began packing somethings. I couldn't help but smile.

When his career was just starting we'd often go to a Korean grill that was cheap because we were students. I'd be flipping the meat while Yoongi would be spitting out verses to me asking me what I'd think and such.

Those are some of my favorite memories with him. The way Yoongi's attitude changes, the way he talks his very appearance becomes more aggressive.

It's the hottest thing ever.

But we hardly do that anymore because he's so busy and so am I.

That's why tonight is special.

The sooner I pack the sooner it'll be time for our date.

At least I think it's a date.

It has to be one why would he be acting cheesy for?

Wrong Choice | YoonminseokWhere stories live. Discover now