Chapter nine~ not my freddy

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~skipping to night~

"Good night guys!" You say as you walk to the breaker room. When you walk to your hiding spot, you notice that there was a mattress there.
"A mattress?" You ask yourself. You then feel arms snake around your waist.
"Hey." Freddy whispers in your ear.
"Why did you get a mattress?" You asked.
"Oh, I just suggested that for you. It's not very comfortable on the floor anyways." He says as he guides you on the bed.
"Aren't you gonna change into night clothes?" You ask as you both lay on the bed. He raises an eyebrow and smirks.
"Because it's not comfortable wearing dress pants at night." He looks at you with his bottom lip sticking out.
"Here, take these:" you give him a bag with clothes.
"But I wanna lay with you now!" He whined. You giggle then kiss him on the forehead.
"...Do you wanna come with me?" Freddy asks as he smirks. You blush and gently punch him on the shoulder.
"Waaaaay too early for that, Fred!" You chuckle. He gives a grin then walks out of the room. You decide that you should change too, so you do so in your hiding spot.

You had a (fav color) shirt that had dark blue words that read "5 more minutes" and (other color) pants. You go in your bed and snuggle in your blankets.
"How do I look?" Freddy asks when we walks back in. He had a purple fuzzy shirt with a white bear in the middle, and white pants.
"Like a child." You smile. He smiles back. He slides under then blankets with you, both of you laying on your sides. He suddenly pulls you closer towards you, making your chests touch.
"What happened to the shy Freddy?" You ask as you look up at him. He looks down and smiles.
"I think he's around somewhere. Or shy Freddy left." He smirks. You think of an idea. You move your head on his shoulder and whisper "I think I know a way to make him visit." You move towards his neck, and kiss it. Freddy then starts to turn red. You then lick his neck, which made Freddy shudder. You then push yourself away from him to see his face.
His face was the color of deep red, and you felt Freddy's arms tighten around your body.
"There's my shy lil Freddy!" You giggle. He gives a tiny squeal then  hugs you tight, stuffing your face in his chest.
"Fred?" You ask, but your voice was muffled by his shirt.
"I don't wanna let you gooo!" Freddy whines then kisses your hair. You sigh then you slowly drifted to sleep.


"Ooooh (y/n)!"
You suddenly wake up. You look to your left. Freddy wasn't there. You didn't recognize the bed you were sleeping in.
"Freddy?" You sat up on the bed that wasn't Freddy's. You seemed to be in a room you never been in. The room wasn't the breaker room. It was a small room.
"Where are you Freddy?" You ask.
"Over here." You hear. You turn your head to see Freddy, but for some reason it didn't feel like it was the... real Freddy.
"Missed me?" He asked. His voice sounded sexual. This made you uncomfortable.
"Are you ok, Freddy?" You were about to stand up until he pushes you back on the bed.
This isn't my real Freddy... you think to yourself.
He hovered on top of you, his hands on your wrists. He rocked your waist with his.
"I liked you for quite a while." Freddy chuckled. "Even though I was a bit rude to you." Rude?
"Foxy?" You gasp. Freddy nods and puts his hand in your shirt.
"Hehe, you are good at recognizing people." He smirks. You started to panic.
"Wh-what are you doing?!" You asked panicked. You were about to say something else until foxy smashed his lips to yours. You immediately slapped him.
"GAH! Ah!" He stumbles back and holds his cheek. You try to make a run for it, until you realized that you couldn't find a exit. You feel a hand grab your wrist and threw you on the bed. You scream Freddy's name. Foxy grabbed your shirt and started to pull it off. You struggled to get out of his grasp. You hear a bang and both you and foxy look at where the sound came from. Freddy was at the door. He saw another Freddy, then had a confused face.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" He shouted. Foxy turned you head towards him and he kissed you. You kicked his stomach, which made him fall to the floor. You ran to Freddy and hugged him, crying. "Are you ok?" Freddy asked as he hugged back. You nodded. You hear foxy laugh like Freddy's, but then unusually turned into a laugh you didn't recognize.
"What happened?! And what happened to your shirt?" You hear foxy say behind you. You turn and see him with a confused look.
"Wait, if you're foxy then who's that?!" You shout.
"Oh, where are my manners?" The stranger said. The person stood up and a grin spread across his purple face.
"It's me."

Heya guys! I honestly had no idea what I was trying to do, but idk. Also yay for me for publishing two stories in one day!

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