Chapter eight~ Aboveground trip part two

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~next day~

"Is everybody in?" You yelled as you strapped on your seatbelt.
"Yes!" The crew shouted.
"Where are we going?" Baby asked questionably.
"A park!"
The three in the back started to whisper to each other. You giggle to yourself as you drive to a park.
You all get out of the car and see any regular park: swings, slides, etc. in the far back of the playground there was a forest. Around the park was a track.
"Oh! I need to run so I could be fast like senpi!" Foxy said then started to run on the track.
"When can we get food?" Bon bon asked.
"Oh we'll get it that later. For now, let's play!"
You grabbed Bon bon's and Freddy's hand and ran to the swings.
"Y'all do know how to swing... do y'all?" You asked. They both shook their heads.
"Ok..." you sit in the middle swing, Freddy on the left, and Bon bon on the right.
"Copy what I do." You I hold on to the chains connected to the swing seat and metal pole. They both copied.
"Ok, when you swing forward, you kick your legs out and lay back a bit, when you go backwards, pull your legs in. Like this:"
You start to swing, demonstrating what you said. Bon bon and Freddy both nod and try to do what you did, but then Bon bon somehow got tangled up and Freddy fell off of the swing.
"It's too hard!" Freddy whined.
You sigh with a smile as you gently jump off your swing.
"Let me help you," you say as you grab Freddy's hand and pull him up.
He sits down on the swing seat, and you grab his left hand and let it grab the left chain. You do the same with his right hand on the right chain.
"If you wanna stop swinging, then just tell me, ok?" You ask looking at his blue eyes. He nods, staring back. You smile and you push him forward, which made Freddy jump a bit.
"Don't let go ok?" You say as Freddy swings a little higher.
"Ok!" He yells, going higher. When he was high enough to keep him swinging for a while, you walk to Bon bon.
"Ok, Bon bon, you ready?" He gives a tiny giggle as a reply. He holds on the the chains, and you start to push him. He started o go higher and higher.
"Wheeeeeee! Hahaha!" Bon bon cheered as he swung back and forth.
"Hey (Y/n)! I think my swing's getting a bit too high..." Freddy yelled nervously.
"Oh you're f- ok, Fred! Watch out!" You yell as Freddy's swing was no longer swinging in a straight line.
"What do I do?!" Freddy yelled.
"Just jump off! You're gonna hit the-"
"...Pole..." you finish.
After Freddy was slammed against the pole, he struggled to stand up.
"Fred!" You ran to him and helped him up.
"Ow ow ow! It hurts!" Freddy cried.
"Oh, I'm sorry- gah! Freddy come with me to the car! Bon bon come real quick!" You put Freddy's arm around your neck, and tried to walk him to the car, Bon bon following you.
"Let's see..." you open the passenger door and set Freddy on the seat facing you.
"Where does it hurt most?" You ask. He pointed at his left leg.
You pull up his pants a bit and see a big bruise.
"Wh-what's that?!" Freddy said panicked.
"It's called a bruise, Fred. Don't touch it, I'll hurt. Bon, can you get an ice pack in the cooler? It's a big blue box."
"I'm on it!" Bon bon bounced to the back to fetch it.
"Oh Freddy in sorry..." you say.
"I'm ok, I think..." Freddy gently says as he forces a smile.
"Here it is!" Bon bon holds a ice pack with his mouth. You say thank you and grab it.
You but the ice pack on Freddy's bruise.
"Does anywhere else hurt?" You ask.
"My nose kinda..." he pokes at it, then he starts to bleed.
You quickly get some napkins you always leave in your car and tell Freddy to put it under his nose. He does so.
"Imma go on the swing, is that ok? Cause the blood is freaking me out!" Bon bon asked. You nod your head and he jumps away.
You sigh and you look at his leg. The bruise was big as your hand. You give a tiny groan and look away from it. You see ballora on the monkey bars, baby on the slide, foxy running still, and Bon bon on the swing. You feel a hand touch yours. You turn to see Freddy holding your right hand with his.
"You can go play, ill stay here watching y'all." He says weakly. You ignore this and go to the driver side. You close the door and he closes his. You were silent. This made Freddy worried.
"(Y/n)?" He asked as he looked at you.
He turns your head to see your eyes starting to have tears.
"Why are you crying?" He said as he scooted closer to you.
"I-I'm sorry Freddy, I'm just... im such a jerk." You felt embarrassed because you were crying over nothing. You wipe a tear on your left eye, but one slides down from your right.
"No you're not! You're not a jerk! You're sweet, and funny, and..."
He gently pushes your head towards him, and you bury your face in his chest.
"... and I love you." He finishes.
You felt your heart stop beating. You didn't know how to react. You look up at Freddy and Freddy's face was dark red. He wasn't looking at you, and you knew what he was thinking.
Do I love Freddy? You ask yourself. You think about this question. This could be a big turn in your life. It would end badly, or wonderfully. You suddenly grab Freddy's face and kiss him.
His eyes go wide then slowly close. His lips felt soft and perfect. He wrapped his arms around you, his hands on your back.
After a while, you two parted. Freddy was breathing hard, his breathing unsteady. His face was more red than baby's hair.
"Freddy..." you say as you move a piece of Freddy's messy hair aside to see his face. His shining blue eyes looked at you, widened. He gives a smile.
"Y-yes?" He asks, his voice shaky. You opened your mouth to say something, until you see a hand on the car window behind Freddy. You look behind him and frown.
You see the gang nervously smile at you and wave, all except foxy, who was nowhere to be seen.
"Did you enjoy that moment, Fred?" Bon bon asked when Freddy rolled down the window.
"Ah, uh... I guess..." he said as he tried to hide his big smile with his hands, but then giggled. Baby giggled back then opened the back door.
"FOXY! WE'RE LEAVING!!!" Bon Bon shouted. You see someone in the distance stop, then run towards you all.
"Everyone in?" You say, a bit quiet.
"HEY GUYS -pant- IM -pant pant- BACK!" Foxy said. His face was red and he looked tired.
The gang (except Freddy) ignored foxy and continued to whisper to each other.
"What did I miss?" Foxy asked with a questioned look.
"Freddy and (y/n) are together!" Bon bon said as he threw his hands in the air.
"WHAT?!" Foxy shouted. Everyone looked at him.
"Oh! I mean... what? Why would someone like Freddy?" Sweat started to drip from his head.
"Hey!" Freddy yelled with blushed cheeks.
"Guys, quit arguing!" You try to say seriously but ended us sounding quiet. Freddy looked at you and then fell silent.
"Let's go back to the pizzeria..." you say as you start the car.

I hope you enjoyed :3

My Funtime Fredजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें