Chapter seven~ Aboveground trip part one

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Your POV
"Soooo..." you say.
"We should go back to the pizzeria." Ballora said, then everyone started to walk back.
"WAIT." Freddy shouted. Everyone looked at him, including you.
"What if... we don't? What if we actually live like humans? Just imagine it! No more dark rooms. No more loneliness! That would be great! We would get to talk to kids! About other stuff, like pizza or friendship or... pizza!" Freddy's eyes widened with wonder. You look at the others.
"Guys?" You ask, and baby immediately responds: "I WANNA EAT ICE CREAM!!"
Ballora giggles as she picks up baby.
"If my baby's going, then I'm going!"
You look at foxy. He thinks for a moment.
"Fine." He groans a bit, but you can tell that he was ready to learn what humans can do above ground.
"So where do you all wanna go first?" You ask.
Everyone thinks.
"Well, what can we do?" Ballora finally asks.
"Well, we can eat ("ice cream!" You hear baby whisper), go to playplaces, shop for clothes, or anything else."
"Well, what do you like to do?" Freddy asked.
"Hmm... well, I loved to go to this computer lab and just played games on there."
"Alright! Let's go there!" Freddy yelled as he started to walk, but then slowly stopped.
"First of all, where is it? And second, how are we gonna get there?"
"C'mon everyone! We're going on the car express!" You shout as you walk towards your car. The rest followed.
When you all arrived, you asked the others where they wanted to sit.
"I call sitting in the front in the middle!" Bon bon shouted.
"By the window!" Baby called first.
"Me too!" Foxy and Freddy shouted at the same time. They both then glared at each other and started arguing.
"Guy guys calm down! One of y'all can sit in the front with me. So who wants to?" You say. Foxy pushes Freddy towards the passenger and whispered something in his ear. Freddy then blushed and sat down.
"Do y'all know how to buckle up your seat belts?"
"No." They all said.
You sigh and went to the back so you could buckle up their seat belts.
"Like this:" you show them how to do it, then let them try. They all did it successfully, except baby, which kinda made sense since she was young. When you go to Freddy, you show him how to do it then told him to try. When Freddy did it successfully, you gave him a peck on the cheek. "Good job, my Freddy." You say quietly in his ear, then you walk to the drivers seat.
You start the car, then you drove away from the pizzeria.


"Ooo!" Baby squeaks as she pressed random keys into the search bar, oooing each time a letter popped up.
"Guys, real quick. Let me show y'all how to work these: this is called a mouse. Well, nicknamed a mouse. You make it like this:" you move it to the left and everyone watched the tiny arrow on the screen.
"Click on the left one to click on something:" you demonstrate on Chrome, and it opens a tab.
"But don't click the right one. Ok, now go pick a computer." The rest split up.
"So what do you wanna search up?" You ask baby as she then continues to clicking on the keys.
"I dunno. What do you think?" Baby asks.
"Hmm... let's check this out!" You type in something.
You click on a few tabs the show baby what you opened for her: a ice cream maker game.
"Just put these on:" you put headphones over baby's ears. "And it will tell you what to do!"
"ICE CREAM!" Baby shouts with happiness.
"What about me?" Ballora asks. You walk to her computer and type in YouTube. You type in the YouTube search bar "dancing classic music".
"Which one?" You ask.
"This one looks nice." She points at the video with a ballerina with a green tutu. You click on it.
"Now, if you want to remember what songs they are, write it on here, so you can dance to them in your free time." You pass her a piece of paper and a pencil, then put headphones over her ears. She then listens to the music and closes her eyes.
"Hello?! I'm alive!!!" Foxy yelled at you. You grunt and walk over o him.
"Ok, what do you wanna do?" You ask. Foxy shrugs. You roll your eyes then type up something.
"Here." You say after a while.
"You are supposed to look at this video without looking away or cringing. Unless you wanna be a chicken and lose-"
"NO!" Foxy puts on his headphones and looks at the video. You actually wonder if he will make it.
"Ok Bon bon, I know what to put for you!" Your go on YouTube and put on "cutest animals".
"Try not to saw aw ok?"
"Ok-AWWWWW!!!" He yells when he saw a tiny kitten playing with a puppy. You giggle to your self.
You walk to Freddy and smile. He smiles back.
"So what do you wanna do?" You ask.
"Heh, what do you have in store for me?" He asks.
"Hmm... do you wanna play a game that I'm playing?"
You type a battle game, ten type it on the computer next to him.
You click on a coupe of tabs until you find the game.
"What do you want your name to be?"
"Hmm... Freddy! Wait no...Funtime Freddy- or maybe... I'll go with fredbear!" He says.
After you type it in, you explain how to do the game to him.
"This is for shooting bullets, these are for moving, this is forward, backward, left, and right. This is for ducking. And this is for build. You use your mouse to click on what you wanna build it with. After you pick, you click this to put it there and this to take it off. You got it?"
"I think so..."
Your log yourself in as (random name or r/n for short).
You walk your player by Freddy. It's me (y/n), you type in the chat bar.
Freddy sees this and smiles.
"Ok you ready?" You ask him.
"Ready Freddy!"


"WHAT DA HECK FREDDY?! STOP TRYING TO KILL ME WE'RE ON DA SOME TEAM!!!" You yell and you struggle to Survive the 94th round.
"Hehe!" Freddy giggles as he shoots from his bazzoka.
"I think I'm-OH COME ON!!!" You scream as the words GAME OVER pop on your screen. You were killed by Fredbear.
"YAY I WON!!!" Freddy squealed. You sigh and smile at him. He gives a toothy grin. "Good game." You say as you hold out your hand.
"Yeah. Good game!" He says, but instead of shaking your hand, he puts his hands inn your cheeks and kisses you on the forehead. You blush a little.
"A-alright guys. I think it's time to go home..." you stutter. Freddy exits out of the tabs as you do too.
"Ballora! I made: 185 cupcakes!"
"That's nice baby! I have a lot of songs that I could dance to now!" Ballora says as she hums a song.
"(Y/n)! I finished the video with out being a chicken! AND I watched 11 more videos of them! HA!" Foxy spat in your face. You roll your eyes and push him out of the way.
"EEK! THOSE ANIMALS WERE SOOOO CUTE!!!" Bon bon squealed. "I gotta come back her to watch more!!!"
Bon bon, ballora, foxy, and baby chatted for a bit inside the computer lab while Freddy and you walk to the car. You were about to open your car door until you noice Freddy gazing at you.
"What?" You laughed. Freddy giggles back and walks to you. He wraps his arms around your waists and puts his hands on your lower back.
"(Y/n)?" He says quietly.
"I..." his face turns red.
"I was just wondering if... uh..." he turns his head away from you.
"What?" You put s finger below his forehead and make him look at you.
"If... if we could... c-come back here tomorrow! Yeah! I was just wondering that!" He forces a smile. You smile back.
"Hmm... we'll think about it. We still got a lot of things to explore!" You say as you put your hands on his shoulders.
"Ok." He says. You hear a hint of sadness in his voice, so you go on your tippy-toes and kiss him on the cheek.
Just after you that, the rest of the gang walks outside. You and Freddy quickly unwrap each other before anyone noticed.
"Let's go back to the pizzeria, it's getting dark." Ballora says as baby gave out a yawn. You nod and everyone gets in the car. You drive out of the parking space, then drive away.

This was a long on in my opinion! Also comment any ideas for future stories, because I'm kinda running out of ideas. See y'all later! >u<

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