Laser Tag

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i like how its supposed to be spring but its also supposed to snow on saturday


anyway enjoy this

"Come on, it'll be fun," Jared prodded. "I can get you in for free! It'll be perfect." 

 Connor chuckled incredulously. "Jared, I will not squander my date night with Evan to go to your dumb laser tag place." 

 "Don't you want to see where I work?" 

 "Not really," Connor assured him, getting up from the lunch table and bringing his tray to the trash can. Jared sighed, trying to think of a convincing argument. He had just started working at the laser tag place down the street and he wanted Connor and Evan to spend their weekly date night at his favorite place in the world. It was dumb, but he really liked laser tag. 

 Connor returned to the table, sitting down across from Jared. "I only get one night a week with him and I'm not spending it at a laser tag joint."

 "You've got better plans?" Jared leaned forward on the table. 

 "Yeah, I... um... " Connor trailed off, realizing that he couldn't think of a better idea. The only things that popped into his mind were far too expensive or things he was certain Evan wouldn't like. "We're... uh..." 

 Jared smirked. "We open at 7:00."

 --time skip brought to you by my mom telling me she had gotten once on this island tickets as an april fools day prank from which i am still bitter--

 Connor tossed his phone down on the couch when he heard the doorbell ring. "I've got it," he called to whoever might be listening as he bounded over to the door. He opened it and smiled as soon as he saw Evan waiting outside.

 "Hello, handsome," he said with a smile, leaning in and giving Evan a quick kiss. "I'm leaving," Connor yelled back into the house. 

 "Good riddance," Zoe called from her room. 

 "Zoe, be nice. Have fun, boys! Don't stay out too late," Mrs. Murphy replied from the kitchen.

 Connor smiled, closing the door behind Evan and himself as they stepped outside. 

 "So," Evan began as Connor took his hand. "Where are we going?" 

 "You'll just have to find out, won't you?" Connor chuckled, opening the passenger door for Evan and then getting into the driver's seat. 

 Evan buckled his seatbelt. "Oh, it's a surprise, huh?" 

 "Y-Yeah," Connor muttered as he pulled out of the driveway, still afraid that Evan would be disappointed when they got there. Whenever it was Evan's turn to organize the date, they always went somewhere fun and interesting. Whether it was painting pottery, a scavenger hunt in the park, the theater, or even just a nice dinner, Evan always concocted the perfect date. Connor's were always a little offbeat, but he knew Evan would love them. Last month they had dressed up as superheroes and stopped people from littering, jaywalking, and committing other petty crimes. He had planned an escape room, a theme park, an aquarium, simple things that guaranteed a good time. But laser tag was risky. 

 Connor pulled the car into the parking lot of the laser tag place. "Here we are!" 

 Evan looked up at the sign, smiling. "Laser tag, Connor? Oh my god, this is going to be awesome!" 

 Connor smiled, sighing in relief. "Yeah," he replied. "Yeah, yeah, it is." 

 "D... Did Jared bully you into coming here?" 

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