BGM - Can You See My Pain? (I'm Worried About You) - Soulmate AU

Start from the beginning


A flash of yellow, a bit of purple, but mostly blue and a little green. You sometimes liked to pretend that blue meant happiness and green was amusement. When you opened your eyes in the morning to a blue ceiling you'd tell yourself that meant he was happy, not sad, and when your bowl of Froot Loops was all green, you'd ignore the fact that green was the color of jealousy. The balance of colors used to be much more healthy, sometimes you'd get whole rainbows in a day, but mostly they were orange and yellow, actual happiness and amusement. You were pretty sure purple was non-romantic love, and red was anger. Occasionally you'd get gray, which was commonly confusion, or brown for fear. Sometimes the colors mixed together into an ombré haze.

"What're ya seein now?" Your best friend spoke with his mouth full of popcorn. You were binging out on Netflix and pretending not to be worried about your upcoming exams.

"It was blue earlier, but now it's starting to turn purple, so maybe he's feeling better," you smiled a little as your friend scrolled through the movie options.

"That's good, my soulmate must be very amused at something because everything is highlighter yellow, and it's giving me a headache," he complained, stopping in the rom-coms.

"Is that your way of trying to guilt me into letting you pick the first movie?" You snorted.

"Maaaaaybe," he grinned and stuffed more popcorn in his mouth.

"Fiiiiine," you teased as he hit the button to start the movie.

"You love it," he teased, passing you the popcorn as the opening scene started.

"You know it," you reclined back and snuggled into the couch.


"OHHHHH MIIIIICHAEL!" Calum burst through his friend's front door, "I BROUGHT DUKE!" He tried when Michael didn't respond right away.

Immediately there were footsteps on the stairs as Michael came down to greet the dog. His day was always brightened when Duke, and Calum of course, came to visit.

"How's my favorite good boy?" Michael made a kissy face at the dog and lifted him out of Calum's arms.

"Good," Calum replied brightly, "how are you?"

Michael didn't bother correcting him, "better now," he giggled as Duke licked his face.

"Well that's good because we come with news," Calum rubbed his hands together and grinned, "okay so you know how Cassie, Allison, and Maria are going on that girl's trip in a few weeks?"

Michael nodded, it was all that they'd been talking about. They were going to some resort spa and enjoying some R&R.

"Luke, Ashton and I were wondering if you wanted to go to Vegas, you know, blow off some steam, kick back, guys weekend just like old times," Calum clapped Michael's back and Michael smiled weakly.

Old times? Back before he felt so left behind? It certainly was a tempting offer.

"I'm in," he said without thinking about it further. He wouldn't psyche himself out again, he was going to go out with his best friends and have fun.

"Great! Plus who knows who you'll meet? Anything can happen in Vegas," Calum winked and scratched his dog behind his ears.

Michael really hoped he was right.


"Y/N!" Y/BFF/N yelled.

"Huh? What?" You lifted your head and found that a page from your textbook was stuck to the left side of your face.

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