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I woke up to the subtle sound of beeps. My eyes fluttered open, and I see Devan sitting next to me, on his phone.
"Hey," I whispered.
"Hey baby..." he whispered, kissing my forehead.
"Where am I?" I asked.
"Hospital. But, we get to go home after you eat." Devan said.
"O-ok..." I stuttered.
"Good morning, Ms. Larson!" A doctor said cheerfully as she stepped through the door.
"Good morning, Mr. Key!" She added.
"Good morning ma'am." Devan said, stroking my hair.
I just smiled at her, as she handed me a banana.
"Try to eat this, if you keep it down, we'll let you go." She smiled.
"Ok." I said, as the doctor left. I picked the banana up, and slowly ate it.
It passed about 10 minutes, and the doctor came back.
"How are you feeling?" She asked.
"Good, I guess." I said.
"Alrighty, we can let you go, come with me first. Mr. Key, could you fill out these papers?" She asked helping me off the hospital bed.
"We'll be right back." She said leading me out of the room.
"Ok, we need to weigh you, and see how much you've lost since your last visit." She said leading me to the scale.
I stepped upon the scale. I looked over at the doctor, she was surprised.
"Ma'am, how much have you been throwing up lately?" She asked.
"I don't know. Clearly a lot, by your expression." I replied.
"Yes. I'm sorry. How old are you?" The woman asked.
"I'm 19." I said, looking down at the ground.
"Ok. Make sure you're eating as much as you can hold down, ok? We should have your test results back by the end of the week." She said smiling.
"Ok. If I may ask, how much do I weigh?" I asked quietly.
"An average adult should weigh between 120-160 pounds." She started.
"Ms. Larson, you weigh 102." She said patting my back.
"Oh." I said, as a tear rolled down my cheek.
"Let's give you your clothes back, and you can go change." She said, leading me back to my room.
"Hey baby." Devan said standing up, as I entered the room.
"Hey..." I whispered, as he engulfed me into a hug.
"Everything's gonna be ok." Devan whispered.
"K. I have to get dressed." I said pulling away, as I entered the bathroom to change.
I walked out, to an empty room, I grabbed my phone, charger, and headphones and I walked out of my room. I walked down the hall to the lobby. I saw Devan signing me out, and some medical stuff in his hand.
I came up behind him and wrapped my free arm around his waist.
"Thank you!" Devan said, as we left.
We got in the car, and he looked at me.
I immediately started sobbing.
"Hey, everything's-" Devan started, grabbing my hand.
"No! Everything's not going to be ok! The doctor said, that I was 102 pounds, and dropping." I said, wiping my tears away.
"I'm sorry..." I bawled, leaning into Devan's warm arms.
"I'll be here for you, through it all." He said, kissing my forehead, and stoking my hair.
"I know." I whispered.
"I love you." I added.
"I love you more," Devan said pulling away, and driving us home.
I unlocked the door, and went up to our room. I entered our room, and sat down on the bed. I trudged over to the bathroom, and slopped my hair into a bun, and crawled back to bed.
I went upstairs, and Lily was laying in bed, fast asleep. I smiled at the sight of her peace. I crawled in bed next to her, and set my alarm for 6:30am. I knew her dad's funeral was tomorrow, so I figured she'd want and need extra time.

*time pass*
I woke up, to my alarm, and rolled over to see Lily, curled up into a small little ball, wrapped in blankets. I sat up, and shifted her to lay on me.
"Baby, it's time to get up." I whispered.
"No." She said, groaning.
"Yes. It's your-" she cut me off.
"My dads funeral. I know." She muttered.
"It's almost 7. You need to get up." I said stroking her hair.
"I know." Lily sniffled.
"You know everything, don't you?" I joked, smiling.
"I know." She said, sitting up, and planting a firm kiss on my lips.
Lily rolled out of bed, and went into the bathroom. I heard the shower start, and I went downstairs to get her some coffee. I made her a caramel macchiato with a shot of espresso.
I turned off the water, and dried myself with a white, fluffy towel. I stepped out of the bathroom to smell a caramel macchiato being made. I rolled my eyes, and smiled. I walked into the closet, and grabbed my sports bra, I threw it on, and grabbed some shorts.
"Here you are, m'lady." Devan said with a smirk.
I plucked the drink from his hand, and took a sip.
"It's wonderful, darling," I said pushing him up against the wall, and forcing our lips together.
We pulled away, and he kissed my nose.
"Gotta shower." He said, sneaking away, and running into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes, and sat on the bed, to let my hair dry.
I took my hair out of the towel, and posted a picture on Instagram. "#beforeandafter" I typed and hit post. I scrolled trough and liked a couple fans' pictures. I got a DM. I looked at who it was from.
"Aria Storm?" I whispered, "who's that?" I asked myself.

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