Meeting the Fam

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"Bro! What?!"

"Yea, Collins. I'm not lying!"

"Bro, mom and dad are not going to be happy!"

"I don't care, I'm almost twenty. I make my own decisions, and it was my choice!"

"Devan, you can't just go about kissing random people! People will get hurt by that! What if something happens? You end up getting attached to her, and love her, but something bad happens. Like if she dies! Or if she moves away?!"

"I'll die with her! I'll move with her! I'll do anything for this girl! God put my in that cemetery for a reason! I think SHE'S the reason!"

"Devan, you're being completely unre-"

"Shut up, Collins! You don't rule my life! Just because I'm younger than you, doesn't mean you get to decide who I date!"

"Dev, stop yelling. I just am wor-"

"No, Collins!!! YOU stop!" Devan looked away from me, I knew he was crying.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I'm trying to help, I'm sorry I love you. I'm sorry." I walked out of his room and went downstairs to the kitchen. I started making myself a sandwich and I heard the doorbell.

I put the jelly down and the knife, I walked to the door and opened it.

"Hello, can I help you?" I asked


"Umm, yea. I'm looking for Devan Key. I'm not sure if he lives here or-" I got cut off.

"DEVAN!" Collins shouted.

"Leave me alone, Collins!" Devan snapped back, I could tell he was crying.

"I can come another time. I didn't know-" 

"No, it's fine. He's just had a rough evening with me." Collins said, and added, "oh, I'm Collins. Collins Key. I'm-"

"Devan's older brother, famous YouTuber, AGT finalist, and magician. Yea... I love you guys though!" I replied

"Yep! That's me. Oh! And this is Devan!" Collins says while pointing/introducing Devan. Devan stares at me. He rubs his eyes, and focuses on my eyes. He takes my hands, and says: 

"I never thought I'd see you again..." 

"Oh! So, this is the girl you kissed earlier?! She's-" Collins tries to interlude in our what you could call "moment".

"Collins, can I talk to you?" Devan asks. "Can I have a minute with him?"

"Sure, whatever you need." I smiled and stepped off the porch.

Devan closes the door, and I decide to check Instagram.


"Yea, SHE'S the girl I kissed earlier..." I kind of was ashamed.

"She's hot." Collins pointed out.

"Yeah! That's why you need to shut up. Her eyes though. Her smile. Her."

"What? What about her?"


"Devan, what about her?!"

"I know who she is. I've seen her before, I can't even explain it, but I've seen her before, and I need to figure out where and why I kissed her today, I would have never done something like that; EVER."

"I know, that's why I tried lecturing you." Collins said.

"Crap! She's still out there. Collins, just give her a chance."

"Ok. But what if she finds out your kind of using her to figure out your guys' past?"

"She won't." 


Devan closes the door, and I decided to check Instagram.

"It's been almost ten minutes, what could possible be so imp-"

"Hi, can I help you with something?" I heard a voice say something, I looked over and it was Mr. and Mrs. Key.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Key! I'm Lily. I don't know how to explain this, but I know who Devan is, and we me earlier, so I decided to swoop in and say hi."

"Well, that was very nice of you! Call me Anne." Mrs. Key said.

"I'm Steven. You can call me that." Steven said.

"Ok, why are you out here?" asked Anne

"Devan needed to talk to Collins about something, so I let them have their privacy." I replied.

"Well, that was kind, come on in! They should have gone upstairs, not leave you out here! This is not how I raised my boys!" Anne scolded. She smiled, and burst open the door.

"Oh, you've met Lily!" Devan said surprised.

"Well, you did leave her outside, alone. In our neighborhood. In the cold. She could have been kidnapped, or died of heat-loss!" Exclaimed Anne.

"Mom, that's completely unrealistic! The worst that could happen is- you know what, never mind." Devan corrected his mother, but reassured himself, and asked me to the dinning room.

"Lily, what would you like on your salad?" Steven asked, chopping onions and tomatoes.

"Lettuce, carrots and chicken." I replied.


"Caesar, please. Thank you sir." I answered.

"You're very welcome, Ms. Lily." I smiled and headed upstairs to Devan's room.

I sneaked in his room and hid by the bathroom door. "Goodness! He takes a long time to pee" I thought to myself. Right then, he walked out and stopped in the doorway to type something on his phone. I jumped on him and screamed as loud and terrifyingly as I could. His face was priceless. He put his phone in his pocket, and tackled me onto the bed. He tried kissing my cheek, but I flipped him over on his back, and kissed his luscious lips. They were so soft and warm. I never wanted to let go, that until Collins ruined it all. Collins came into the room quietly and jumped on the bed.

Devan screamed in fear, and I laughed so hard until I cried. Every now and then, I snorted. Devan and Collins loved that about me. They said I was so cute when I did that, but that made me embarrassed. I started blushing, and Devan pulled me into his warm body...

"Hey! I'm still here!" Collins complained. 

"Fiiiiiiine..." I rolled out of Devan's warm arms, and sat in between them and we watched Netflix for three hours.

Every now and then, Anne or Steven would come up with icecream, or popcorn. I looked at my phone, it was 2am. I groaned, and rolled over on my side to see Collins leaving. 

"Where are you going?" I whispered.

"My bedroom, its 2 in the morning." He whisper-shouted back.

"Is Devan sleeping?" I asked

"Yea. See you in the morning. I don't think my parents will mind that you slept over... I think." Collins said as he closed the door.

I look over at Devan. Sound asleep. I try and sleep, but wake up to the movement of him, moving closer to me, so our bodies meet, and he put his arm around my waist. "I love you." I whispered.

I heard him whisper, "Love you more." A tear rolled down me cheek, as our bodies take each others' shape.

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