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"Lily!" Someone shouted.
"Devan... it's my graduation day. I get to sleep in." I insisted.
"It's already 10:15." He said.
I shot up in bed. "Are you kidding me?!" I yelled.
"No. But we leave in 30 minutes." He said leaving.
"FOR WHAT?!" I hollered.
"Oh, you'll see." He said from downstairs.
I got out of bed, and got my hair brushed, teeth brushed, and I changed. I ended up wearing my Under Armour shoes, with my Under Armour t-short that I tied in a knot at my bellybutton. I put on my Under Armour capris. I grabbed my phone, and some gum and left.
"Ok, where are we going?" I asked getting into the passenger seat of the car. He backed out and started driving without saying a word.
"Ok, now that you can't make me turn around, we're going to get your hair, nails, and makeup done. Then we'll go to the store and pick you out an outfit. My treat, no buts."
"And, I will be your shofar for an entire week." I replied.
"Fine." He agreed.
We pulled up at the nail, hair and makeup salon. He SnapChatted me while getting everything done.



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We finally arrived at my graduation ceremony

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We finally arrived at my graduation ceremony. I stepped out of the car to hear shouts and cheers.
"WOOOOHOOO!" I heard someone yell. I look over to see Cole chanting my name.
"Lily... Lily... LILY!!!" He got a crowd around him. It was: Roman, Aleya, Cole, Nikki, Caden, Hunter, Abby, Collins, Owen, Emra, my mom and dad, Devan's parents, and my two daughters.
"IVY?!" I ran over, squatted down and gave my wonderful first born, a big hug. She licked my face and barked.
"Rolo!" I ran over to my dad, holding Rolo. I picked her up, and kissed her little nose. She licked my nose with her itty-bitty tongue. I handed my Guinea Pig back to my Dad. Paige, Hope, Lincoln, Bekka, Chloe, and James all stood in a line.
"Smile!" I heard someone yell. We all smiled, and multiple pictures were taken.
I grabbed my Dad's hand and pulled him over by a tree for a graduation pic. I smiled in one, and I kissed his cheek in the other.
"I love you, Daddo." I said hugging him.
"I love you too, happy graduation, my little monster." He replied. I took pictures with everyone individually. I took many with my graduation-pals and with my children.
Devan grabbed me by the waist, and he kissed my lips, dipping me back. Someone snapped a picture. Me and everyone graduating grabbed our caps and gowns. We all changed, and waited backstage. We all stepped on stage, and smiled.
"Today is a beautiful day. These many students have worked very hard, and have all gone through so much these past years..." Mrs. Darin said.
A tear rolled down my cheek, and I quickly swept it away.
"April 9, 2018; Evan Nelson passed away. He was a devoted sophomore. He was working his hardest to pass 10th grade, to be able to graduate this year... this May 2019, Evan would have graduated with these devoted students." She continued.
"Paige Smith. Graduating to become a chiropractor. She also wants to open a cafe, and sell her art as a part time job."
"Hope Nathow. She is graduating to become a sign-language interpreter."
"Lincoln Cook. He wants to be a Navy Seal."
"Bekka Anderson. A very talented singer, and has diligently made arrangements to become America's next Britt Nicole."
"James Diamond. He wants to be a firefighter."
"Chloe Thompson. Graduating to become a horse trainer. She has always loved them. She grew up with them, and hopes to pursue that."
"Lily Larson. Every since 7th grade, she has wanted to be a police officer. She is determined to serve in the great city of L.A. Understanding the dangers, she has still pursued hard and long to become a cop. As a side job, an interior designer, and artist."
"Evan Nelson. He wanted to become a cop as well. But more specifically, work with the FBI or CIA. Sadly, he is not able to pursue that. But, he did do many great things with his life. Praising God for Evan's time here, he will always be remembered." Mrs. Darwin stated.
"I congratulate you all on your accomplishments and hardships. I believe God has great gifts for you individuals."
"Happy Graduation!" Mrs. Darwin said, throwing her papers in the air, as we all ran off the stage, and jumped in the air, throwing our caps up, and our gowns off.

We spent the night at my house, and enjoyed the week as best friends. We went to dinner, and to other places. We saw movies, and enjoyed our freedom.
"Happy graduation, Lily." I looked to see Devan smiling.
I kissed his lips, as cheers were shared and laughter filled the room.

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