Not Again

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I stared out the hospital window, as I hear the subtle 'beeps' of the machines. I look over and see Lily, laying there. My heart mourns for her. I wish everything was normal. No accidents, no fights, and no deaths. Lily lost Evan, this past year ago, Abby tried to commit suicide, I fought with her and pushed her limits, she had those awful night terrors, and now this. A tear rolled down my cheek as I blinked the rest away.

"Why, Lord... why?" I whispered. The doctors came in as I stood there, by the window. I quickly and swiftly wiped my tears.

"Are you Lily's boyfriend?" The nurse asked.

"Yea." I replied.

"Can you fill these out for her? We need to take her in for the second round of surgeries."

"Yea, can I have a minute with her?"

"I'm sorry, this is critically important that she does not miss this."

"Oh, ok.." I said leaving. I walked into the lobby and sat down. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, it was Collins.

"Hey, bud." He said.

"Hey.." I whispered, as my voice cracked.

"Filling out papers?" He asked.


He sat down next to me as I filled in everything.

[Patient Name: Lily Larson

D.O.B.: February 14, 2000

Gender: Female

Name: Devan Key

D.O.B.: April 17, 1998

Gender: Male

Relation to Patient: Boyfriend

If on life support, and all fails, do we have the right to pull the plug?


Are you planning to have a future with the patient?


Do you wish we would take patient out of a coma, for a final goodbye?]

I looked at Collins.

"Dev.. It's not going to come to that." He insisted hugging me.


I circled yes. I signed my name and filled out some very personal information. It was weird.

I handed the receptionist the paperwork and sat back down.



It's been almost three days since the crash. Lily hasn't woken up from being sedated so many times. I walked over to her bed, and sat down.

"Lily... Please don't go.." I whispered at tears streamed down my face.

"Please don't go... Most nights I hardly sleep when I'm alone. Now please don't go, I think of you whenever I'm alone. So, please don't go..." I softly sang and kissed her limp hand.

"I love you always..." I started.

"I'll love you forever..." I continued.

"I will always love you, most.." Someone said, as I looked up as I saw Lily smile, and tears came to her eyes, and mine, as kissed her. This one, I was t going to lose her. I promise.

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