Where the Truth Tells the Story

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'What if she doesn't believe me?' I asked myself. I need to talk to her about this. But, I can't. Ugh! Devan.. just got ask Collins. I decided to call Collins.

"Hey bro wha-"

"Collins, I need to talk to you. It's important." I uttered.

"Yea, I can come ove-"

"No. Where are you?"

"I'm at the hospital with Abigail. They won't let her out until she's fully-mentally stable.."

"How's she doing?" I inquired.

"Fine. But a little shook about what happened, and how Lily reacted. But, I'm on Lily's side. Abby shouldn't have done that.. anyways, can we meet at Chipotle? I'm hungry."

"Yea, I'll get going now. Lily's older brother showed up, so I can go.. let me grab something first.." I hung up and ran upstairs.

"Hey, Lil! Where are you?"

"Closet!" She replied.

"Hey, I'm going to hit Chipotle with Collins. Just talk and see how Abigail's doing. You can swing over at the hospital to visit her, if you'd like. I don't know how you're feeling about it so.."

"Yea, I will. I'll let Cole know. Possibly introduce him to Paige and Abby."

"Ok, gotta go. Love you." I kissed her cheek, and left. I drove to Chipotle and ordered. Once we had our food, I explained what happened last night, about her cutting, and how I realized I knew her.
"Devan.. that's insane."
"I know, but I'm positive it's her." I uttered.
"Ok, well let's head to the hospital, Lily should come soon." I suggested.
Once we left Chipotle, I headed inside the hospital to Abby's room. Luckily, she was asleep, so we continued talking about what happened.
"Just make sure Lily doesn't know, k?" Collins said. I looked around the room, and saw Lily in the doorway...

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