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Ryland's POV

Shane was sick today. He had to stay home from school. Which meant I was all alone, against the mean high school kids. I walked into the doors and today everyone stared and then looked away. I got some pats on the back and people saying sorry for the breakup. I was confused until I saw a paper in the hallway corner. Well not a paper. Papers! The whole back wall where Shane and I lockers were covered in neon pieces of paper. I ripped one off the wall.

Ryland Adams and Shane Yaw!
Have they broken up??? Yes! The day has come the dreadful day that will make all the women go crazy. Shane Yaw is now officially available! Good day!

I felt the blood boil inside me. Knowing some asshole would spend time making those just to fuck with us was sickening. I plastered a fake smile on my face as I walked to the bathroom. I went under the toilet and grabbed my box. I opened it and smelt it. I didn't miss this scent. This scent was an evil scent. It brought back old memories of old habits, and I didn't want them back. But I couldn't help myself. I grabbed the razor out of the bag and took the razor out of it.


I slid the razor across my palm relaxing into the toilet seat behind my back. I slit another line across my palm grunting at the pain it caused. I stopped right as I was going to do the third swipe. I put the box underneath the toilet and flushed the razor. I looked at my right palm and saw it covered in blood. I had two bright red gashes in the middle of my hand. I started to scream softly. I grabbed my hand and quickly ran it under the cold water. I took Shane's hoodie he was letting me use and I wrapped it around my hand. I removed the hoodie and placed my hand back underneath watching the bad thoughts wash down the drain. Along with a piece of my heart I thought would shatter once Shane found out. I decided to skip school and go join Shane. Sick or not he was still my baby and I needed him. Clearly I said looking at my hand still wrapped in his dark green hoodie. I slipped through the window by stepping on the toilet seat and leaping forward. I tried my hardest to get up with one hand but I gave in and had to use my injured hand. It didn't hurt to much since I had fabric pressed against the cuts to make the stone softer. I threw my legs through the small window and looked down. Good thing I was on the first floor so I dropped down easily. I hurt my ankle a little but nothing to extreme you couldn't walk off. I looked around and saw little kids staring at him. I realized I had dropped into the playground. A kid started to scream when he saw the hoodie fall a little revealing the cuts. I began to panic and looked at the gate. A climb that looked easy. I began to sprint towards it. With no plan and no route, I jumped into the iron fencing and climbed it like Spider-Man. I flipped my legs over the top and ran to the creepy haunted woods. I stood there catching my breath and looking at the school. It's looked like an actual prison. I reached for the crumbled piece of paper in my pants. I whimpered as I touched my sore ass. He wasn't lying when he said he took it as a challenge that it wasn't the best the first time. Which made me see I shouldn't challenge Shane ever again. Even though Shane would do anything to win he wouldn't do anything to harm me or his family in any ways. I smiled and looked at the creepy luring forest. I gulped and sprinted towards it, than made a quick turn to avoid it! It wasn't the fastest route. Going through there would slow me down. I picked my phone out of my pocket and opened to reveal the time. 12:17 I haven't seen my baby in and hour! I gasped and continued to run faster. I needed to get there before 12:30! I ran faster and faster until I could barely breathe. I looked at my hand and saw the dark green material now a darker color because of the blood. I lifted it slightly to still see blood pouring out but it decreased a lot. I saw the place where me and Shane stayed at the moment. We decided the dorms weren't fitting for us so we got our own tiny place. I slipped the key out from underneath the rainbow rug we had on our front porch. We just wanted people to know what kind of household we are. I smiled and opened it. I saw Shane laying on the couch his hand up on the side of the couch remote in hand. His mouth was slightly open and his eyes were shut close. I walked over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek. He moved a little. I ran my finger along his face and the hickeys I made the other day. I smiled and bent down to reach his ear. I leaned in and bit his earlobe gently. I reached my hand down to his chest which was covered with a pale brown blanket. I slid it down, and revealed his naked breathing chest. I studied it looking at it as he breathed in and out slowly but steady. I couldn't resist myself and jumped on him. I whipped the blanket off his body and saw him laying there naked. I smirked and kissed his chin before squeezing it between my left hand. I froze as I realized my hand began dripping blood on his warm pale body. I got up slowly and he grabbed my leg as I was lifting it.
"Ryland undress." I laughed and playfully hit his chest with my unhurt hand. He opened his eyes and stared at me confused.
"Why just one hand?" He turned towards the clock and coughed.
"Why are you home so early?" He said reading the clock that read 12:42.
"I wanted to be with you." I kissed him gently.
"So enjoy it." He said sliding me backwards slightly. I declined his offer. And got off his chest he sat up with my movement. He looked down at his chest and saw the blood. I felt guilt wash over me so I placed my hand in front of me.
"Ryland what's wrong?" He asked I looked back at him and laughed. He was still naked and he just realized. He shrugged and walked over to me and hugged me tightly making me squeak as he brushed my hand. He noticed the green fabric.
"What's that?" He said pulling it right off my hand and staring at it.
"Why is this in your hand and not on you." He unfolded the now darker green hoodie. He slipped it on me. I shivered and quickly ran away from him.
"Shane where is the first aid kit?" I asked slipping the cloth off my tiny form.
"It should be under the counter in the kitchen!" He screamed coming towards me. I quickly reached down to grab it and felt nothing.
"Shit!" I muttered under my breath.
"It's not there!" I said and got no response. I was about to speak agin but I felt warm arms wrap around me, and a hard erection touch my ass. I winced. And moved forward.
"Not tonight. My ass hurts." I said and moved against he counter. I turned on the water and ran my hand under it. I felt Shane peeking over my shoulder and I quickly stopped.
"Ryland?" He asked I ignored him.
"Ryland?" He repeated. I ignored him and he spun me around to face him.
"Ryland why are you ignoring me?" He asked I slipped my right hand behind my back. He tugged at it and glared at me.
"Show me now!" He said his eyes turning the dark green color. I let my hand fall to my side and he grabbed it. I felt tears form into my eyes.
"Ryland." He looked at me with a tear falling down his face.
"Is this because of me? I can change. I can." He began to cough.
"I can please Ryland give me a chance." Tears were rolling down his cheeks as he joked on his words looking at my hand. I shook my head and lifted his head.
"No Shane it's not you! You're perfect I'm sorry." I felt him staring deep into my pupils as I did to his. I handed him the crumbled piece of paper. He read over it and looked at me with frustration.
"This is why you came home?" I nodded and he looked at me and threw the paper to the ground. He wrapped his hands around my neck and kissed me passionately.
"You let that little piece of paper ruin your day? Made you do this?" He said lifting my hand in my view I choked out a cry and hugged him.
"I'm sorry!" I said crying more into his shoulder.
"It's okay Ryland." He hugged me tighter. He grabbed me by my waist and put me in his arms bridal style! He started to walk upstairs and head to the bathroom.
"It's upstairs." He said smiling. I hit him lightly.
"You lied to me!" I gave him the death glare which he laughed at.
"I wanted to see what was wrong." He kissed my nose and I felt myself heat up. He placed me on the bathroom counter. He lifted my hand on my leg and reached under the counter. He pulled out the first aid kit.
"Doesn't it bother you that you've been naked the whole time?" Shane looked down and shook his head.
"Does it bother you?" He asked wriggling his eyebrows. I shook my head while laughing uncontrollably.
"I love how that is still you weakness." Shane said looking at me and leaning into my ear, "and me moaning as we learned last night." He breathed softly on my cold ear sending shivers through my body. And did a soft moan in my ear as he jacked himself off a little. I smirked.
"Mm you know what else we learned?" Shane stared at me.
"What?" He asked taking out the rubbing alcohol.
"That me nibbling on your ear makes you moan." He swallowed. And shook his thought away. I stared at him confused and he didn't reply with a stare.
"This may sting a little." He said showing me the rubbing alcohol. I quivered and let my hand go out. He grabbed it softly and placed the soaked cotton ball on m bloody hand and moved it around. I winced in pain as he lifted it up.
"Are you okay?" I nodded my head he placed his hand on my thigh, I could feel my jeans get tighter. He moved his hand back and forth on my inner thigh causing a moan to ride up my throat.

"You like that?" Shane asked continuing to rub my thigh as he got a new cotton ball. I nodded my head a moan slipping out of my tiny mouth. He ran his thumb over my lips.
"Mm they are so plump Ryland. What did I do to deserve you?" He asked kissing my lips gently bitting my bottom lip as he released. I laughed.
"You didn't do anything you deserve me." He looked at me with a smile so big I thought his cheek skin would rip into slices.
"You might need stitches." He said as he ran my hand under the cooling water. I retracted my hand into my view and saw blood barely coming out of the deep cuts.
"How deep did you cut?" Shane asked as I was staring at my hand.
"I don't know. I wasn't thinking I just cut." I gulped and felt tears fight against my eyes.
"But I would've kept going. I would've. But you Shane." I looked into his emerald green eyes. "You saved me. I knew you wouldn't like me cutting. I was doing good." I sniffles softly.
"But that note. I don't want to be lonely anymore. I don't want people to have to make fun of me for getting dumped." I wiped the tears off my face and stared at Shane who was staring at me.
"And worst of all I don't want to see you move on." I said. I saw a tear slip from his eye as I jumped down from the counter and hugged him.
"Ryland you'll never leave me." He said pushing me back so he could see my face. He ran his finger over my lips again.
"I'm so glad I invented you to that party." Shane kissed me and we shared a loving moment as we heard my blood drip slightly on the floor.
"Me too Shane." And we fixed my hand and we laid there for the night. Shane kissing my naked form as I laid there thinking about the party.


AHHHHHH! Ok guys so that's it! Um I know it wasn't that long but there will be one last one which will explain what happened as they advanced in life. SO STAY TUNED!!

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