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Shane POV

I saw Bryan grab Ryland and Ryland's arm started to turn white. I stood up but sat back down at the look on Ryland's face. Bryan shoved him out of the door and slammed it behind him. I sat there defeated that I couldn't help. I felt worry plunge into me and I got up. I didn't know what I was planning but I started to walk towards the door. I felt a hand on my shoulder which I threw off and yanked open the creaky door. And there sat Ryland crying like a baby, with his hand holding his eye and his side. I looked at him and sat next to him.

"Ry what did he do?" I asked. Ryland looked at me with a frown.
"He saw me." He stuttered out. Barely even audible for me to hear.
"Saw you do what?" I asked again leaning closer to hear his answer. I felt his mouth hitch around my ear and his breathing in my ear.
"He saw me kissing you." He sat back against the wall.
"And? What about it! He's a duche." I explained.
"He's my boyfriend!" Ryland screamed at me in reply.
"But why does it matter? We are both drunk and we won't remember in the morning!" I spat back.
"So the only reason you kissed me was because you are drunk?! And it was a dare!" He asked I could see the pain in his eyes and the fear rise in his throat.
"NO! I kissed you because I love you! I didn't have to kiss you that long! Now tell me why did it kiss me!?" I asked sitting against the wall opposite of this handsome man.

"I kissed you because I like you to! But I don't like you." He paused and my heart shattered. "I love you!" He said squirming over to me and encasing me with his embrace. We shared another kiss. I heard rough footsteps creep closer to us from down the hallway.
"Ryland you little shit! I swear to god you're dead!" I look at Ryland and see him trying to push himself into me. I hug my over sized jacket over him and he slides in thanking me under his breath.
"H-hello?" I asked trying to slur as much a possible. Bryan comes around the corner. He sees me and kneels in front of me. He grabs my shoulders.
"Where is he you little fag?!" The word fag stabbed me. He was gay to so I don't get why he has the right to call me a fag. And I'm not in bisexual.
"He went that way." I said drunkly pointing to the elevator. Bryan smacked me in the face and kicked my privates and went to the elevator. I sat there waiting for him to leave before sneaking Ryland back into my room and sitting on the couch. I look back at the circle and see Garret, and Drew carried away in a session. I smiled at my goofy friends and stared at Ryland.
"Did you mean what you said?" He asked sniffling.
"Yes." I hugged him. He pulled away and held my cheek where I got smacked, and he looked at my privates.
"Does it hurt?" Ryland asked, I followed his gaze and nodded.
"I'm sorry." He jumped on my lap making me wince. He started to kiss my cheek. He moved to my lips biting my bottom lip asking for entrance. I allowed him to come in and he wrapped our tongues together. I grabbed his hips and brought him on my shaft. I moaned as he slid up and down. He smirked.
"Shaney?" I looked in his ocean eyes.
"Yes Ry?" He blushed at the pet name I gave him.
"I love you!" He kissed me. "Also are you a virgin?" He kissed me once again and I nodded into the kiss. He stopped.
"Really!?" I frowned.
"Did you not want me to be? That can all change." I wriggled my eyebrows at him making him playfully hit my chest. He leaned on my chest.
"Shane?" I looked at him again.
"Yes Ry?" I asked once more.
"I don't want this to end." He said I kissed his forehead.
"What is this exactly?" I asked. He pushed my auburn hair back more and played with my stubble.
"What we had tonight." He whispered as my friends ran out of the door waving bye as they went.
"Ok Ry. But promise me this." He looked at me and I looked at him.
"You have to break up with Bryan first." He frowned and I saw a tear run down his face. I wiped it away.
"What's wrong." I asked kissing his tear stained cheek.
"Can I tell you something?" I nodded kissing him. I grabbed his hand locked my door and went to my bedroom. I sat on my headboard so my back was resting on it, and he sat on my lap. His legs wrapped around my waist.
"Okay you can tell me." I said listening to what he was going to say.

 The Game That Changed (SHYLAND STORY)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum