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Rylands POV

Shay: it's someone you don't like.
RylanDADams: well I never thought I hated someone... but I do despise some fellow spears that is correct. I don't think you're one of them.

Shay: but I am Ry.

I giggled slightly at the pet name. I felt a slight pink shade cover my cheeks. I looked back at Shane and saw him standing up. I followed their movements and walked off the bus.

Shay: bye Ry I have class.
RylanDADams: ya me too bye.

I walked to my locker and saw Jerome Shane's friend walk over to me. He smacked me in the back and threw me to the ground. He spit on my little form as I felt tears slip from my eyes. Shane's other friend George came over and joined in the kicking, and than saw Shane appear from the health classrooms and looked. He looked and saw his friends and walked over peeking over their shoulders. He pushed them aside and bent down to grab me. I felt felt a spark run throughout my arm at the contact with Shane and Shane felt it as well.

"Th-ank y-ou." Ryland stuttered whimpering as Shane lifted him up.
He pushed George and Jerome away as he walked Ryland to an empty classroom. Shane inspected him.

"Shane." Ryland spoke his voice sounded hurt and cracking.
"Yes?" Shane questioned inspecting over Ryland's body and seeing open wounds over his sides.
"Why are you doing this?" Ryland asked his voice silent but audible.
"Because I'm sorry." He said smiling upon Ryland.
"But why?" Ryland thought. For calling me a 'faggot' or calling me 'ugly'. Ryland thought looking up and a grown plastered on his face.
"What wrong?" Shane asked while taking a bandage out of its encasement.
"I know what your sorry for. But it wasn't you." Shane stopped, and shook his head clearing his thoughts.
Shane had accidentally brushed their hands together and blushed, scratching his neck to cover it. Ryland saw it.
"Well I'm still sorry." Shane said his voice cracking. He got up from his kneeled position and looked into Ryland's eyes for a second, their gaze put butterflies in each other's stomachs. But Ryland thought he was dating someone. Who he loved? No. He didn't live Bryan. Or did he? No he loved Shane. But he didn't know Shane did he? He felt a tear slip from his eyes and felt a thumb caress it away.
That smiled for a moment.
Before it hit Ryland. He loved Shane. And Shane felt the same.
"Hey so Ryland in having a party tonight.. and was wondering if you wanted to come?" Shane asked confident.
"Su-re!" Ryland excitedly stuttered. Shane finished giving Ryland's wounds as he last bell rang. They went their separate ways but tomorrow would be a different experience.

 The Game That Changed (SHYLAND STORY)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt