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Ryland's POV

I sat on his lap and wrapped my legs around his waist.
"Bryan. You want me to breakup with him?" I gulped.
"Yes for us to be together." Shane smiled his beautiful smile that could melt anyone's heart. I felt a blanket of blush cover my face. I smiled and kissed him.
"Okay." I paused and gulped once more. Shane's eyes looked at mine telling me to continue.
"I've tried before. He told me he isn't really gay. That's why we never kissed. We never did anything. He just used me for the name "gay". l guess girls dig the whole bisexual thing. So he chose me. The lost one. The broken virgin. Probably the only one in the grade beside you." I paused and looked at him. He gave me a worried look. I felt a tear slip, and his thumb brush against my warm soft skin. His thumb felt nice. Not to bumpy and not to ridged edged. He had soft plump hands and curves you just wanted to roll into. He was the whole definition of beautiful.


"I tried to before. And he beat me." I sighed and lifted up my long sleeve shirt. Shane looked at my eyes and met my gaze which was at my arms. He looked down and saw the bruises and scars scattered along it.
"He used to take the biggest longest, thickest, hardest belt to whip me with. So I said I was sorry. And he left. That was summer break. For a week straight he beat me. And than I didn't see him till school started up. He hugged me and I winced as he touched one of my worst bruises." I stopped and I lifted down my pant leg showing a giant black and blue spot on my inner thigh. I had cuts all over my legs.

"What did you do Ry?" I winced as he ran his hand along the giant bruise. He leaned down and kissed the big spot. He started then to kiss all my cuts from my arms to my toes. He made me expose my body. My torso and my legs. Almost everything was covered unless it could be shown or hurt when I walked. I just watched him as he kissed my hundreds of cuts.

"So we are still together. And I'm scared." Shane kissed me.
"Ry I'm here for you. I'll make sure a police officer is nearby. Ok I'll help you." He grabbed my hands and placed them on his sides.
"Why did you do this?" Shane asked I started to cry and stuffed my face in his neck.
"That summer I tried to overdose. But then this guy Shay texted me. He made me feel special. He made me feel something. And I didn't do the final 10 pills that would've killed me. I continued to live because of that random person. And now you're better than that person."

/: ITS OVER/:/:/:

Shane blushed and itched his neck trying to cover it up. I laughed.
"What?" Shane asked.
"Well I'm laughing because you said you love me and you're blushing because I said your better than a stranger?" I chuckled again and he joined me. He stopped the laughter when he put a finger to my lips.
"I'll help you Ry. Whatever he wants to do he'll have to go through me. I'm not letting you go to a psychopath who isn't even gay. I'm sorry this happened to you." He looked at me and his bangs fell in his right eye. I moved the auburn hair off his eye and kissed this man I so very loved. When we pulled apart we rested our foreheads together. I looked at his beautiful emerald green eyes, and felt his eyelashes rub against my check as we kissed again.
"What if he hurts you?" I asked.
"I can handle myself Bebe." He lifted my chin so I looked him in the eye. "And I'll always have you to fight for no matter what. And that prize my dear is worth anything." He kissed my forehead and looked into my ocean blue eyes. He smiled.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Shane asked. I shook my head.
"Oh I know why." Shane continued I laughed.
"Why?" I asked he kissed my  arm once more.
"Because words can't describe how beautiful you are." He kissed me and I kissed back.
"Shane." He looked at me.
"Yes heney?" Shane asked.
"Well can we keep this secret for now? Just for a little I don't want to be overwhelmed."

I gulped as he looked at me confused.
"Sure? It's going to be hard though not to show my happiness to call you mine heney!" He hugged me.
"Shawn?" He chuckled and looked at me. "What if I didn't break up with Bryan? Would that effect this?" I pointed to the scene we were doing. My legs wrapped around him so our torsos rubbed against each other, and so our faces were nearly a few inches apart as we rested our foreheads together.
He shook his head his fuzzy hair shook on his head.
"It would stay the same but kissing is all we could do." He winked. I felt blush cover my cheeks and he kissed my chapped lips. He pulled back and bit his lip. God he was so cute.
"It's going to be hard but I'll try." He laughed and sent me a wink. I felt like a tomato. A huge carpet of red covered my face and I didn't even try to hide the fact.
"Hey can we make a promise?" I asked.
"What my dear Ryland?" He asked looking down at my legs as I moved closer to him. I placed my mouth around his ear.
"That we only lose our virginity to each other." Shane turned to me and smirked.
"Whenever you're ready baby." He kissed mum cheek and I blushed.
"Oh so now its on my call?" He smirked.
"Yeah. I'm ready right now." He laughed. I felt my cheeks get hot.
"Well who says I'm not ready yet?" I asked looking at him. He smirked and flipped us so he was hovering over me. He ran his finger along my side balancing on one arm. Jesus he was strong.


"Well we can finish that promise right now if you'd like?" He bent down and started to kiss my neck. I moaned by accident and quickly covered my mouth.
Shane chuckled on my neck which sent shivers throughout my body. He continued and I moaned once or twice more.
"So Ryland?" He attracted his head up from my neck and hovered over me once more.
"Are you ready?" He chuckled.
"Um." I blushed. He smiled and bent down back to my neck.
"You look so cute when you blush." He started to suck only slightly on my neck. I moaned.
"I never knew how easy it is to make you moan." Shane said, and chuckled on my neck making me quiver. He kept kissing up and down my neck until he kissed a spot and made me moan like crazy.
"I guess this is our sweet spot?" He asked on my neck I just nodded in reply, losing the ability to speak. He began to suck on my sweet spot.
"Oh shit." He pulled away. He frowned.
"What?" I asked scared.
"I left a mark." He looked at me and kissed me.
"It's ok it was worth it." I said breathless. He smiled and looked at the clock.
"It's 8:30. We have school tomorrow." Shane said. He flipped down next to me in the bed.
"Don't you want me to leave?" I asked he shook his head. He sat back up and yawned. His dimple appeared on his left cheek and I smiled. His face scrunched up and his mouth opened and I took this as an opportunity. I jumped on him and kissed him! He smiled into the kiss which made me smile.
"Sorry it was tempting." I laughed and he sat up.
"We have to get dressed for bed." He yawned again and this time I didn't attack him.
"Go ahead I'm going to get your clothes. What do you wear?" Shane asked me I blushed.
"I usually wear just my boxers." I replied. He smiled.
"Fine by me." He got off the bed. I took off my shirt and my pants. He stared at me in shock.
"What!?" I asked worried.
"Nothing it's just you look beautiful. And plus how do you do that?" I looked away at my arms.
"Do what?" I asked looking back to meet his gaze which was on my package.
"Um just strip in front of people like it's nothing?" He asked I frowned.
"Heney do you have body issues?" I asked trying not to sound funny. He nodded his head.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked he shook his head.
"What is there to talk about?" He asked.
"How beautiful you are perhaps?" He blushed and walked out of the door to get dressed.


He came back in a few minutes later, with a giant Britney Spears shirt on that went down to his kneecap. I gasped.
"I love Britney!" I squealed he laughed and fell into the bed with me. He wrapped his arm around my head and pulled me into a giant bear embrace. I smelled him.
"You smell nice." He smiled.
"Thank you." And than I thought. Oh shit. I'm sleeping with the hottest/popularist/ cutest guy in college. I squealed and Shane looked at me.
"What was that for?" He asked I blushed.
"Just thinking about his you're sleeping with me instead of someone else." I looked at him and smiled.
"Well I wouldn't want it any other way." He kissed my forehead. I snuggled into him more and he wrapped his arm around my back. I winced as he hit a bruise and he let go a bit.
"Shane?" He looked at me.
"I thought you had one night stands a lot?" I asked holding my breath for an answer. He shrugged.
"Honestly they think it's for fucking but we really only go out for dinner. And most likely I drop them off home. But I guess people think of it as a sex date. But I'm not like that. Clearly as you can see." He smirked and looked at me. I than realized how exposed I am and blushed. I didn't notice it because his body gave off warmth so I thought I was just in regular clothes.

"Okay I just wanted to make sure." He kissed me and than snuggled into me and I did the same. A couple minutes later my phone lit up. I picked it up.

Bryan: Hey fag were are you? I haven't been able to spot you. I think your fag date sent me in the wrong fucking direction. See ya tomorrow love ya. Haha not. By little virgin.

I shut it off. I looked at Shane who was wide eyed at reading my text.
"I'm sorry." He said. He kissed my tears of my face.
"It's not your fault. And your not just my fag date." I smirked.
"You're the man who's going to take my virginity." I smiled and so did he.
"Ready when you are." He leaned back into our original position.
"I think I'm ready now." I looked up at his eyes his eyes on mine.
"Okay we'll talk about that tomorrow." He paused. "Or act it out tomorrow." He smirked and I couldn't help but laugh at the dumb dad joke.
"Yeah we'll see." He kissed me one more time before we descended into sleep. Tomorrow was a new day.

 The Game That Changed (SHYLAND STORY)Where stories live. Discover now