(KeithxReader) If I Could Only Forget #3

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(Edited 31 May 2018)

Y/N Pov

I regret everything. I'm now getting sucked into the enemy's spaceship because I made a stupid decision. I really don't know what I was thinking, but it's too late now. It's not my fault that Keith was being an ass, but it's my fault for reacting like this. Where was I even going to go if I did make it out? I don't have my parents. People probably think I'm dead for Christ's sake!

I shake my head and wait for my ship to make it into the galra one. There's nothing I can do now.

I look down at my stomach, "Mommy is so sorry sweetie. She was stupid and now you have to pay for it. I'll make sure that you'll be okay, no matter what I have to do."

My conversation is cut off by my door being ripped open. I jump in surprise and stand from my chair. I expect to see a sentry to be standing in the doorway, but that simply wasn't the case. Instead, there stands five galra- or should I say half galra?

One of them tries to walk up to me, but another stops them, "Acxa."

"My prince?"

The prince, Lotor, keeps his eyes on me as he walks forward. I try to keep my emotions in check; I try not to show fear.

He eventually reaches me and takes my chin in his hand. My heartbeat quickens; not in embarrassment, but in fear. Thankfully, I show no emotion as he moves my head side to side to examines my face.

"You're not too bad looking for a human," he says as he releases my face. "Acxa, take her to the pods and have her examined immediately. Make sure she is healthy then call me down to the medical bay."

Acxa, or who I presume to be Acxa, nods her head and steps aside for the prince to pass through. The others follow him, but she takes my arm and drags me out.


~Keith Pov~

I feel a hand on my shoulder and quickly turn around. Shiro has knelt down to the floor with me and is giving me an apologetic look. I don't look at him long as my gaze slowly, but surely, returns to the ground. Thoughts start to fill my head.

'What if I hadn't told her to leave?'
'Why did I do that?'
'How could I say something like that to her?'
'What if she and the baby are dead because of me?'
'I did more harm than anything else.'
'It's my fault.'

"I have to go look for her," I whisper as I stand up, brushing off imaginary dirt from my sleeves.

I hear a sigh, "No, you should go to your room and get some rest. We'll look for her tomorrow."

"No! I have-"

"You have to look for her, I know, but we don't have any leads on where they went. The second they got her, they sped off. Go get some rest, we'll look tomorrow."


"That's an order."

Shiro pats me on the back and leaves the room. I rub my face and head off to my room; it's the only thing I can do. I sit on my bed and quietly think about my actions. Lance was right, I was stupid. Thoughts of 'if's start to flood my head. I quickly shake them away, knowing I would only anger myself if I thought about it more. Let's just say I couldn't sleep that night. Or any other night for the next eight months. 

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