University Dinner

Start from the beginning

Christopher was caught by his arm being pulled.

"What the hell!" He yelled he'd been pulled into a dark room.

"Shh, Chris, it's just me," David whispered. Christopher felt his chest tighten. He hadn't been this close to David since the night he'd picked him up drunk. Christopher couldn't hear his heart beating in his ears, could David?

"I need to talk to you."

"About what?" Christopher was praying David didn't notice the eagerness of his tone.

"We've not talked since that night that we" David paused thinking about his words, a smile slowly drew from his lips. "You know what I'm trying to say. It happened, we never talked about it, hell we've not even talked. You avoid me at your house, parties, hell even at your dad's office you manage to avoid me."

"What is there to talk about? You didn't want to have anything but a friendship with me and I pushed it. We had sex and it was amazing, you said I had to wait 11 months. You jumped into a relationship with your ex, and I've been seeing people."

"I hate that you feel like you have to hide from me. I miss you, I miss laughing with you, dancing, and talking. I miss talking to you."

"What do you want then? We can't be in the same room together without touching."

"Look we are in the same room right now and we aren't touching." David could see Christopher look down at his arm.

"Really? Because you haven't let go of my arm since you pulled me in here." Christopher laughed, David, let go of his arm.

"That doesn't count. Come on I need you in my life, it's fucking boring without you. I've gone a full month without you and it fucking sucks!"

"I agree it does suck. Ok, how about this Friday you come to the game with my parents and then we can hang out. I'll even bring Jude along he can be our buffer."

"Honestly I don't think Jude likes me."

"Oh no, he doesn't he makes it known A LOT!" Christopher laughed, smacking David in the arm.

"I'm gonna go, they are expecting me to bring the wine. I'll see you on Friday." Christopher walked out of the bathroom. Holding the bottles, walking down the hall.

"Christopher Elijah Alder, what are you doing?" Oliver and Elio stood at the end of the hall behind him.

"Shit," Christopher said under his breath turning to face them."Hey dad how's it going?"

"Christopher, what the hell are you doing with the wine?"

"George said I could have some."

"No, he didn't I've been standing next to him most of the night. So try again."

"Alright fine some of the others wanted it, I wasn't going to drink any." Christopher was telling the truth, Oliver walked toward him holding out both his hands. Christopher handed him both bottles.

"We aren't in Italy anymore you can't be supplying younger kids with this stuff. I'm not mad just a little disappointed. So I want you to take the car and head home."

"I was going to the movies with a bunch of people tonight."

"Well, then what do you think I should do? Ground you? You're too old for such things. Come on Christopher don't do things that force me to treat you like a child."

"I'm not trying too, I'll call Jude and tell him I can't go. I'm not happy about this but I know I did something wrong."

"Wow, that's the first time we've had a disagreement that didn't involve you yelling at me and storming off. I like this in you, Christopher." Oliver pulled his son in for a hug.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now