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Chapter 20

The wind blew extremely hard along with the raindrops hitting the windows hard too. Sierra listened to both as she waited for her parents to come downstairs and finish the “discussion” they had earlier.

When her mother found Khayman and Sierra at the park earlier, she lost it. She forced both of them into the car and drove them back to school while yelling. After that Sierra blocked everyone and thing out for the rest of the day. The only thing she could think about is how close she was to Skyler and saving her.

“SIERRA HARRIS!” shouted her mother, causing her to stop thinking again. She rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. “Sierra, what the hell is your problem? Skipping school with some boy and a old man?” her mother shouted as soon as she stepped into the kitchen. “Regina, don’t scream at her. Talk to her or you’ll make her run off again” her father whispered to her mother. “NO! NO FUCK THAT, ROBERT! WE’RE BLACK PARENTS, WE YELL! WE DON’T LET THESE KIDS GET AWAY WITH SHIT” She shouted.

“Oooooh rude, don’t care about your children AND stereotypic, you are just a winner, aren’t cha?” Sierra smirked. “SIERRA, STOP DOING THIS! STOP BEING HARD HEADED AND ANNOYING! THIS ISN’T YOU!” she screamed at Sierra.



“YOU’RE YELLING! NOT TALKING!” Sierra yelled, slamming her fist on the table. After that her mother just looked at her, breathing hard. Robert stood in the back confused. He was at a lost for words.

“I’m going upstairs” Sierra mumbled, whipping the tears away from her face. She quickly walked passed her parents and ran up stairs. She opened her room door and quickly closed it back, leaning on the door. She quickly pulled out her cellphone and texted Khayman.

“Khayman, I know this is asking a lot buuuut, did you want to go back to that guy James house? Please reply as soon as you can”

“DON’T EVER PULL ANY SHIT LIKE THAT AGAIN, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” Khayman father screamed in Khayman’s face. He quickly nodded as the tears continued to swell in his eyes. He laid in the center of his bedroom as his father walked around him in circles, holding his belt. Each time he finished yelling at him, he’d whip with the belt over 5 times. It was quiet for a short time.

“Dad” he whispered, then regretting he even said something.

“What?” he snapped.

“Nothing..nothing at all” Khayman quickly said. His father sighed then made his way out his bedroom. Khayman slowly stood up as his body continued to sting ,since he was hit with the belt over 20 times. He opened his bedroom door and peeked out and seen his father sitting on the top step with his head down, crying. Khayman felt bad for his dad. He didn’t think he should, but he did feel bad for him.

He backed up into his bedroom and lightly closed the door and pulled his phone out. First thing he saw was Sierra’s message.

“Later on tonight when everyone is asleep. So, expect me at your house around 1 am”

And exactly at 1 am, Khayman was outside of  the house. Sierra climbed out her window and ran to the car and got in the passenger seat. “Hey Khayman” she smiled, quickly putting on her seat belt. “Hey Sierra” he smiled as he looked at her. “How’d it go with your mom?” Khayman asked. Sierra’s smiled faded away and sighed. “When she came down stairs she yelled at me AGAIN I yelled too then I stormed up stairs and just laid in Skyler’s bed. Finally, she came into my room with my dad and did what I finally wanted to do. Talk.” Sierra said looking ahead as they drove.

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