Welcome Home?

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Chapter 15

Sierra’s day went by fast after Lunch. She went to the rest of her classes, not paying attention. She was thinking about how Khayman said he would take her back out the park later on tonight and attempt to look for the white man she had seen last night.

Once the final bell rang, she stormed out of her class, went to her locker, gathered all her books she needed for homework, said bye to her friends and went outside, waiting for her Aunt May. As soon as she stepped outside her heart began to beat fast. Still frightened about last night, she got nervous when she stepped outside. In order to be “safe” she stayed close by the schools front door as she watched students walk to their busses, with their friends, to their car and etc.

She continued to watch as the front got emptier and emptier. “Where is she?” Sierra mumbled to herself as she clutched onto the the bookbag arms. “Need a ride?” someone asked. She quickly turned around and jumped back. “Oh my god...you scared me” Sierra breathlessly said, holding her chest. It was Thomas, one of Skyler’s football friends.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you” he smirked, showing one of his dimples. “But, you need a ride?” he added.

“Uh, someone is coming to pick me up..any second” Sierra mumbled looking at the empty school yard. “You sure? You know I don’t mind take you home, Sky- Sierra. Sierra I meant…” Thomas quickly corrected himself. Sierra forced a smile on her face. “Yeeeaahhh” she mumbled. “Just let me drive you home” Thomas replied feeling bad about the mix up. “Suuureee, why not?” Sierra replied.

Sierra followed Thomas to his car, feeling uneasy. She knew Thomas was a very caring and harmless guy, but she felt like she couldn’t trust him. She couldn’t trust any guy to be honest..not even her guy friend Dylan. She only felt comfortable around Khayman.

Sierra took the passenger seat in Thomas red Jeep. She looked around and was surprised it was pretty clean for a football player. She assumed it would be dirty simply because he’s a teenage boy.

He climbed in the drivers seat, closed his door, buckled up and but the key in the ignition. “You like ScHoolboy Q?” Thomas asked. Sierra nodded with a half smile on her face. Studio began playing and Thomas drove off.

Sierra began nodding her head, and mumbling the words as Thomas continued driving.

“Soooo, you heard anything on Sky?” Thomas asked. Sierra rolled her eyes, knowing this question was going to come up. “No. Police are still searching and I’m doing a little searching also” Sierra responded, looking out the car window.

“Last Saturday, the football team and I searched around the school’s neighborhood, passing out flyers and all the other stuff” Thomas told Sierra looking ahead. She looked over at Thomas and smiled. “Really?”  she asked.

“Of course! We even got the all the other teams and clubs at school to go look for Sky.” Thomas told Sierra with his famous dimple showing. “Wow..I didn’t think it was all of you guys looking for Skyler” Sierra responded with a smile on her face.

“Yes ma’ma” he laughed. Sierra smiled and laughed.

“Are you..are you okay with all this going on?” Thomas asked, getting serious. Sierra’s smile faded away then she shrugged. “I haven’t really felt...if that makes any sense” Sierra replied.

“It’s like numb?” he asked.


“I didn’t feel anything either when my mom and dad always left home for work trips and suchI...I didn't know how to react” Thomas told Sierra. She looked over at Thomas.

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