No Help.

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Chapter Eleven

Skyler laid on the ground looking up at the ceiling, with her right eye twitching, slowly going crazy. She couldn’t take being trapped in the stuffy, musty smelling and disgusting basement. Yeah, she had a person down here with her but she’d rather be around her friends, family, enjoy the fresh air outside since Spring was almost around the corner.

She wanted to go back to school even though she dreaded the place, she wanted to go out to the mall, the movies, she wanted to be able to shower everyday and not stay in the same clothes she for almost 2 weeks.

She turned over and laid on her side, staring up and the half boarded up windows. “One day” she mumbled to herself.

“WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SISTER?” screamed Sierra. Skyler eyes got wide as she jumped up from the ground. She looked over at Kayla who had confused look on her face. “Who is that?” Kayla asked.

“SIERRA! MY SISTER!” Skyler shouted as she jumped up from the ground.

She sprinted up the stairs and violently banged on the basement door, screaming for her sister. Kayla followed up behind SKyler and banged on the basement door also.

Stuff on the other side of the door as being thrown around while everyone shouted at each other. Suddenly everything went silent. “What..what happened?” Kayla whispered. Skyler shrugged as she still had her ear pressed against the door.

Footsteps slowly progressed toward the basement door. Skyler backed down a few steps along with Kayla. The doorknob slowly twisted and turn around…

“Sky? Skyler? Wake up!”

“SIERRA’S HERE?” Skyler screamed as she jumped up and looked around frantically. She was drenched in sweat and had a crazy look in her eyes. “Sierra? Uhh, there is no Sierra here...I woke you up because you were making weird okay?” Kayla asked.

Skyler sat up and ran her hand down her face and sighed heavily. “I..I just had a dream that my sister had found me..” she whispered as she sat up and stretched. Kayla slowly nodded as she looked at Skyler walk around in circles. “You okay know?” she asked her. Skyler quickly nodded and just kept walking around.

Kayla got back on the ground and went back to doing her little work out while Skyler still walked around. Tears began to form in Skyler eyes. She began walking in circles faster and she grew angrier and angrier.


“NO I’M NOT FINE!” Skyler screamed then punched the hard wall. “SKYLER!” Kayla shouted. Skyler dropped the ground, covering her face. Kayla quickly ran over to her and sat next to her. “THEY FORGOT ABOUT ME!” Skyler cried as Kayla held her close.

“I’ve been here for almost two weeks and..and I haven’t heard anything from them yet” she continued to cry. Kayla stopped hugging Skyler. Skyler, confused, looked over at Kayla. “What?” she sniffed.

“Skyler, I’ve been missing for almost 5 years now and NEVER has the thought crossed my mind” Kayla sternly said. “I know you want to hurry and do I!” she exclaimed. “The situation we’re in right now doesn’t work out that easy! Hell, I’d be lucky to leave 20 years later, as long as I’m alive and still have hope that I’m going to make it out of here” Kayla continued.

“I want you to stop this! You know damn well your parents are looking for you right now!”

Skyler looked up at Kayla with annoyed, yet sad, eyes. Kayla looked her up and down then went back to the main part of the basement and began her workout again. Skyler stayed in the corner she sat in and leaned her head back onto the wall.

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