What's Going On?

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Chapter 17

Sierra woke up feeling somewhat better. She was happy she remember his face, plus she was still hype about kissing Khayman. She was still slightly irritated by her parents, but she wasn’t going to let them get to her.

She got up, quickly got ready, grabbed her bookbag and tried heading out of the door.

“Sierra, darling”

She rolled her eyes and let go off the doorknob. “Yeeeessss?” she dragged on annoyed as she slowly walked into the kitchen. Her parents sat there in the same clothes they wore last night. They both had bags under their eyes, blood shot eyes and acted like they were half alive.

“You look beautiful sweetheart” he father said in a tired tone. Sierra looked down at her black Toms, dark blue skinny jeans and plain black T- shirt. She touched the black beanie, covering up her untamed hair. “You’re just trying to get on my good side. No matter what you say or do, I’ll still be mad” Sierra said, crossing her arms across her chest.

“This is gonna be hard” Sierra’s dad spoke, as he ran his hand down his face.

“Sierra, look..” Her mother started. “I’ll sorry for slapping you yesterday and yelling at you. I understand why you’d be so angry and why’d you want to talk back” she said. Sierra tapped her foot and bit at her bottom lip, with her arms still folded. “Alright”

“Alright, is that all I get? Don’t I get an apology too?” her mother asked.

Sierra looked at her mother for a minute and opened her mouth. Sierra wanted to apologize but something else came out. “I got to get to my bus stop” she quickly said. “Sierra Harris” her mother said sternly. Sierra quickly walked out the door, not looking behind as her mother called after her.

- - -

Sierra got off the school bus in front of the school building. Just as she was about to go in, she seen Khayman preparing to go into the school. “KHAYMAN” she shouted, getting his attention. He quickly turned around and made eye contact with Khayman. She smiled, running over towards him. “Hey Sierra” he smiled, giving her a hug. Sierra hugged him back, with a confused look on her face. His hands slowly dragged away from her waist and back into his pants pocket.

“What was that for?” she asked.

Khayman turned red. “Uhh..hi..it was..I..hi..I was saying hi” he said nodding his head.

“Ok” Sierra laughed. “But, I had to tell you something” she added. “Yes?” Khayman asked with a grin on his face. “I remembered the guys face” she smiled.

“Really?! Did you contact the police?” Khayman asked quickly.

“No..I didn’t want to” Sierra said hesitant.

“What the fu--” Khayman began to say. He grabbed Sierra’s hand, pulling her away so they were alone. “Why don’t you want to tell them? Do you want your sister found?” Khayman asked, looking down at Sierra frowning. “Khayman...I have this feeling” Sierra said holding her chest. “I believe that I can find her all by myself” she whispered.


“Khayman, I know I sound stupid..but I know I can find her..” Sierra said in a low tone. She grabbed both of Khayman hands and looked up at him. “With your help”

Khayman looked down at her hands and looked Sierra in her hopeful eyes. Khayman wanted to help her, but he remembered what happened last time when he tried helping her. He was almost killed by his father.

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