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Chapter Twelve


Jonah pressed his ear against the basement door, trying to see if he could hear anything come from the basement. “Devon, I don’t hear anything downstairs. You think they alright?” Jonah asked as he pressed against it harder.

“Boy, get the fuck away from the door” Devon snapped as he flipped through his newspaper. “Ain’t nothing wrong with them girls” he added.

“I think I should go check on them right quick” Jonah mumbled as he placed his hand on the nob.

“HEY” Devon shouted, causing Jonah to jump back. 

“Those girls might be sleep, let them sleep...they have work tonight”  He replied with a evil smirk on his face. Jonah stopped looking at the door and slowly turned around and looked at him. “Tonight?Is it just Kayla working?" He asked.

"It's clearly two girls down there, Jonah. Maybe we should have let you stay in school" Devon laughed as he still looked at his newspaper.

"But..but Skyler just got here" he replied, beginning to get nervous.

"That little girls been here for almost 2 week, she's gonna do some work" Devon said, getting irritated by Jonah. "Why do you even care?" He asked.

"I don't care..I was just curious" he told Devon as he stared at him. Devon stared back at Jonah for a good minute. "Get out of my face, I swear lightskins annoy me" He grumbled. Jonah gave him a stank face then walked out of the kitchen and made his way upstairs to his bedroom.

Jonah laid on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. A million thoughts were going through his head at the moment. 

What were the guys going to make the girls do? Most importantly, what were they going to make Skyler do?

It was Skyler’s first time doing one of the special “jobs”. He didn’t want her doing anything to drastic where she gets hurt..even more.

“JONAH!” screamed a voice downstairs. He jumped up from the bed instantly and raced down the stairs. “Yes sir?” he asked as he stood in front of James, his father. 

“I’m heading out with Lucas and Devon, Kyle and Amber are in the back fixing up the car for tonight. Call one of them if it’s any problem” he told Jonah with a serious tone. Jonah nodded. “Alright dad” he mumbled. They walked out the door but Devon stopped and turn around. “Go downstairs and tel those girls ANYTHING I will hurt you” he whispered in his ear as he jacked him up. He pushed him away and made his way towards their car.

Jonah watched as they disappeared down the street. Jonah slowly turned around and crept out the backdoor, looking at Kyle and Amber fix up their “pick up” truck. He watched them for a second then looked back at the basement door.

He walked up to the basement door and slowly twisted on the nob. The door creaked open and Jonah scrunched his face up. “Maybe they ain't hear” he thought to himself. He slowly crept down the stairs and looked around.

He spotted Skyler laying on the ground, looking up at the ceiling. He stepped off of the last stair and started walking over to Skyler. Skyler looked over and screamed. “Skyler cal-”

Kayla placed two of her fingers on both sides of his neck. “Night night Jonah” she whispered in his ear. She kicked him and the back of the knees then threw him down.

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Jonah slowly sat up in his bed, rubbing the huge knot formed on his head from earlier. “What happened?” he asked himself.

“PLEASE, NOO! I DON’T WANT TO GO!” Skyler cried out below him. Jonah jumped out of his bed and flew down the stairs. He seem his father and Devon attempt to pull Skyler out the door. Kayla tried pulling Skyler towards her.

“JUST LET ME GO, PLEASE!” Kayla shouted. Lucas came out of nowhere, wrapped his arms around Kayla’s waist and yanked her away, then throwing her onto the ground. “Say a word and I’ll hit you” Lucas threatened. Kayla looked at him with evil eyes.

“DAD STOP!” Jonah shouted. Jonah tried going over to them but Amber, yanked him away. “Be quiet before you get yo’self hurt” she snapped as she jacked him up.

Before Jonah knew it, SKyler had disappeared. “SKYLER!” Her screamed.

“Shut up!” Amber shouted and pushed him away. “Go upstairs, before I give you something else to scream about”

Jonah looked Amber up and down then marched upstairs to his bedroom before he did something he regretted . He looked out his window and seen them throw Skyler into their van while she struggled and tried to scream. He wanted to go down there so bad and pull her out of the truck he’d be in major trouble. Instead, he just sat and watched.

- - -

12:45 am.

Khayman stared at the clock as he laid in bed. His bedroom and the rest of the house was dead silent. He couldn’t sleep at all.

He was thinking about Sierra. He didn’t know if she really decided to go out to look again or if she stayed home.

He turned over to his side, grabbed his cell phone and scrolled down to Sierra’s name.

“Hello?” she said in a low tone. Khayman sighed, relieved.

“Oh hey Sierra, I didn’t mean to wake you” he whispered.

“Wake me up? I’m already up” she laughed.

“Really? What are you doing?” he questioned.

“Well” she struggled saying. You could tell her phone was being rubbed up against something.” I just finished jumping from a window” she said as she tried to catch her breath.

Khayman quickly sat up in bed and scrunched his face. “What the hell?” he asked loudly. He then threw his hand over his mouth realizing how loud he was. “Why the hell are you jumping out a fucking window, Sierra?” he whispered.

“I’m going back to park to see if that person who kidnapped her is there. I have a feeling he might be his little “hide out” you know?” Sierra replied as she started walking towards the park.

“Sierra, you shouldn’t be doing this.” he quickly said. “It’s dark out..and..and I just don’t want you getting hurt” Khayman mumbled to Sierra.

On the other end Sierra began smiling like a little idiot. “Khayman, everything is going to be fine. I’m a G, I got thisssss” she laughed as she continued walking.

Before she knew it she was up at the park. “Okay, so I’m at the park and I don’t see anything suspicious” Sierra told Khayman. Sierra looked around at all of the dark, looking houses. “Any of these houses could be the creep hide out” Sierra mumbled as she looked at all the houses. Suddenly, light flashed from behind her. She slowly turned around and a few feet from her was a car. She seen a white man with a evil smirk on his face. Her eyes got wide.

“Sierra what’s wrong? Why aren’t you saying anything?” Khayman quickly asked.

“I..I need to run” she whispered. Sierra took off running across the park. The car started up quickly started following behind Sierra. “What? What’s going on Sierra?” Khayman asked as he started to climb out of the bed. “Do you need help? Do you need the police?” he continued.

“Well, a car is chasing me and yeah I might need some help” Sierra quickly said as she continued to run. She looked back and seen the truck coming closer. As she continued to run she tripped over something in the grass. “Shit!” she shouted when she hit the ground. She heard the truck make a sudden stop. Car doors open then slammed. Sierra quickly jumped up and looked at the old guy.

“It’s two of you” he smirked.

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