Chapter 26 - Other Side

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Chapter dedicated to CursedLove101

A defeaning silent engulfed upon us.

Three pairs of scrutinizing gaze bore on me, their eyes searching mine like predators watching their prey. I gulped, wiping the bead of sweats on the corner of my face by the back of my hand.

I feel like being sautéed by my own fats in my seat and the brisk heat of the sun, in Angel's backyard, basking down on us didn't help in my situation either. Never did I thought that sharing about what had happened yesterday will set me into an uncomfortable situation and dreadful interrogation.

A day had been past since Ashton crashed his lips on mine and yet I could still feel his soft plump lips that set my heart into frantic beats. I unconsciously lick my lip in the memory as his voice echoed at the back of my head.

'Moo, I like you. For real'

'Moo, I like you. For real'

'Moo, I like you. For real'

His voice played through my mind mockingly. I reached for my glass of lemon juice and down it in one gulp, feeling parched.

Oh darn sweet potato what's going on in my life?

"He said what?" Mia gushed, slicing the thick fog of silence. "What did you say then?"

I pressed my lips in a thin line, feeling my stomach twist and churn again. "He confessed that he likes me and he," I trailed off, seeing Mia's befuddled reaction. "But I... I said nothing and laughed it off. Everything was fast for me and I don't even know if he's being sincere."

I hastily added. Seriously speaking I don't find the happening fast and I could see clearly in Ashton's eyes that he was being sincere. In a matter of fact I am happy being around Ashton.  He has the ability to lighten up my mood, his presence brought collywobbles in my stomach and his voice become a music to my ears. Ghad. His voice. His song.

Im in love with his voice.

I shook my head vehemently. No I can't be in love with him. Definitively  I like his company but I am not in love with him. In love is such a strong word that I myself cannot define. But you're starting to know the feeling. My mind butted in. Do I? I mentally smacked my head with the idea. How could I think of my own emotions without considering that I may trample someone's feelings?


Mia's feelings matter to me more than anything.

I looked at her, searching her face for a glint of hurt as she sense the underlying lie in my words.  However, an airy laugh left her rosy lips that set my brows furrowed in confusion.

"Oh c'mon," she chuckled, flailing her hand on air,"you don't have to explain yourself."

"I have to. I know you like him and I don't want to hurt you and ruin our relationship as friends."

Mia rested her hand on my shoulder and the other tucked the wild tendrils behind my ear. Her hazel eyes softened and a sweet smile appearing on her lips. "Ann, you're not ruining anything. Stop thinking about other people. It is time to think of yourself. You're a kindhearted, sweet and loving and every man is lucky to have a jewel such as you. I think it's condign for you to feel truly happy." I smiled, my heart swell with bliss hearing solicitous words form her.  She squeezed my hands and heave a deep breath, her eyes searching mine.

"Stop thinking about what I feel," she whispered, "Seasons change, so do feelings."

Brett snorted next to Steve who's been listening to our conversation since then. Mia narrowed her eyes infinitesimally, her glares profess abhorrence. Brett tilted his head to the side, his eyes strained directly at her. He set down the glass of water on the table without breaking an eye contact. I blinked at them shiftly.

I wonder why Mia can't see the glint of admiration dancing on his green pea orbs.

Mia scowled, crossing her arms over her chest and her scowl deepened as he mockily mimic her action.

"Kids, cut it." Steve commented yet their sharp eyes strained to him and he put his hands up in surrender.

"Okay. All right. Just trying to help." He muttered under his breath, moving his chair away from the two and scooting next to me.

"Well, nice try. But try harder." I whispered at him and patted his knee.

"What's wrong with you?" Mia asked, her voice sounding exasperated.

"No. What is wrong with you?" Brett fired back.

"Nothing is wrong with me."

He sneered. "Seems like yesterday you were head over heels at him and now you're pulling the act Miss-everything-is-okay-Im-okay stringy shit."

"Everything changes." She simply added.

"Just over the night?" He asked incredulously. "You're such a hypocrite." he added quietly to himself yet sadly it was audible than he intended for it to be.

Mia gasped, her eyes turning wide. I fanned myself with my hand as the atmosphere suddenly drop high and the fresh swirling wind and the trees stopped dancing a long time ago... for me at least. Brett is now hitting a hard core. His words are getting below the belt but I know he didn't mean anything. He was just mad and... sad.

"I'm not asking your snidely opinion and stop acting like you're in this conversation." She seethed, her ears turning red with bridle anger.

A triumphant smirk smeared across his face. "I hit the hole, didn't I?"

Mia summoned several deep breaths, setting a hand in front of her."Look, I don't wanna argue with you right now so please stop acting like you care about my feelings."

It took a minute for him to deliberate her words. He blinked several times, his mouth agape; finally with clenched teeth, Brett muttered a stiff 'okay' and turn his gaze away.

I cleared my throat awkwardly.

"E-excuse me. I'll get some snacks in the kitchen."  Mia smiled meekly and stood up.

(Mia's Pov)

My fingers coiled around the knob and pushed the door forward. I walked down the kitchen, my steps heavier each tread and my heart pounding each beat. Mixed emotions rush down my veins. I feel hopeless-- defeated even like a little girl who was stolen a lolly by my bully. The only thing is, that lolly wasn't mine since the beginning and my bully wasn't bad. Not at all.

I should be happy for Annathea but I couldn't bring myself to do so because my feelings are at stake. Sadly, my pitiful self was envy with his admission of his like for her. 
Maybe Brett was right. I'm a hypocrite.

That jerk. He always has the ability to slap right to my face the hurtful reality. I hate him for drawing me back to the truth and flicking out my small hopes for my selfish love. I hate him for cutting the only thing I'm holding on for my happy ending.

I hate him for caring too much for me. But most of all I hate myself for wanting someone I can't have. I just wanna be love by someone I loved. Is that too much to asked?

I looked up the ceiling, trying my hardest to prevent the stinging tears flooding my eyes to fall. I pursed my lips in annoyance-- pretty much annoyed at myself as to why I am like this. A tear slipped down my cheek and when I'm about to wipe it, a hand gently cover my eyes, restraining another tears to flow.

"He's not worthy of your tears."  A very familiar voice whispered.

I removed his hand off my eyes, my lips quivered and all the emotions rushing back as I looked up his face.

"Am I difficult to love?" I asked silently. "I feel like nobody loves me, Brett."

I couldn't hold them anymore as my tears stream down my face. He said nothing but reeled my shoulder and guided my head to his chest, soothing my back as I cried silently.

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