Chapter 3 - First Day

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The picture above is Emily Browning as Mia😍😍

Breathe in. Breathe out. First day of school here I come. As I stepped my feet onto the school ground, a hurricane of anxiousness struck through my veins. Seeing the towering structures frighten me. There will be a great possibility that I might lost venturing around for my classes. Then my eyes moved to students making up and prating about their summer vacations. They looked so classy just standing there.

 I wondered if I mistakenly enrolled myself in a school for model prodigies as they all look chic and expensive in their high-fashioned clothing. Is this school-sponsored by Haute Couture? Do I belong here? I asked anxiously. 


"Annathea, in here!" Mia shouted as she waves at me frantically, motioning me to come over. She looked so pretty standing there in her minty summer dress wrapping her svelte body, complimented by her hazel green eyes and her designer heels. Her fiery-orange hair was curled perfectly. Standing next to her are two girls I assumed her friends.

I smiled and marched in her direction, limping. The incident yesterday hits me big time and the consolation--people throw curious glances in my way and stared like a freak.

"Sorry, I shouldn't shout your name and catch your attention." Mia smiled at me sheepishly.

"Nah. It wasn't your fault I walk like a zombie jutso in the world war dead." I said dismissively and she chuckled.

"I've heard what happened yesterday and I rebuked Steve and his friends like Barney and friends. Hahaha. Do you know Barney? The violet gay dinosaur. You know how much I love that dinosaur, right." She realized she talked too much and shut her mouth, " Oh my gosh, I'm talking nonsense again. So I was saying, I reprimand those idiots they shouldn't laugh at you that was so rude thank goodness Easton was-"

"Madeline Bridgette Angels, it's fine." I cut her blabbering.

Mia introduced me to her friends, Zonia and Luvelle who both flashed me warm smiles and greeted me gracefully. After exchanging hi's and hello's they led me to the admin building to get my schedule.

This is it. The lurking feeling to crawl back in my mom's skirt and fly back to Minnesota is quite sinewy. But a part of me is excited about these new things happening in my life and should embrace them in high spirit.

Opening the door, a loud drone of noise waved us and the sight was a culture shock for me. I am baffled by how open and liberated the people are here. Wherever I look, I see two people munching each other's faces. I averted my attention somewhere far. These scenes are strange to me, especially since I came from an all-girls school where everyone knows everyone; an institution where Catholic ministers run over the school.

In the distance, Steve stood next to his friends near the lockers and talked to girls wearing short skirts animatedly. With little doubt, those girls are members of the pom-pom team. Ms. blonde giggled when Steve whispered something in her ear. Brett was acting like a charmer as he brushed the girl's hair off her face. Phillip and Easton have this cheeky smile plastered on their faces every time girls pass their way, sending them flirtatious looks.

I looked at my reflection on the side glass mirror. Darn. How will I be able to survive this place? The idea of going home sounded enticing so I spun around, completely doing a one-eighty. But I didn't have yet my first step when Phillip shouted my name, drawing the attention in my direction. Seriously? He got a strong radar to spot me in this throng of faces.

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