Chapter 31 - Costados Festival

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"Hey! Don't leave me here!" I shouted at Brett and followed him outside.

I found him downstairs, his arms splayed on my couch and his feet propped on the coffee table. He was scanning through the channels on the TV screen, looking for something good to watch.

Seriously, he acts as if he owns my place! I walked close to the window and shut the windowpanes, not missing to glimpse at the light meeting the dusk. I faced him, my arms crossed across my chest.

"It's getting late. Uncle David might be looking for you." I reminded him.

"Nah. I'm here on duty. They are worried that your bad boy might visit you again." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. What happened last night was a complete bizarre.

Just as the moment Ashton appeared on the threshold, a car honked in front of our porch. As if fate is playing tricks with me, my parents stepped out of the car and my father's glare met Ashton's eyes. To say, father looked livid.

"You dare to show your face here." Father's strain voice perked my ears. I stared at Ash and he looked shocked. Do they know each other? My gaze casting to them back and fro. What is going on?

"Do you know him?" I asked. I was standing between them-- looking perplexed. When nobody answered, I eyed mom. I was more intrigued when she grabbed my hand, flashed me a nervous smile and led me inside the house--- leaving Ashton and dad in the cold night breeze.

"You know," I started, walking towards Brett's direction. " I don't think it's their first time meeting Ash. They acted as if they know him."

"Oh, is that so?" Brett asked curiously.

I nodded in response, my memory drifting me back last night. "I can't be wrong. I have so many questions in my head but I can't gauge answers from them." I sighed, letting my body collapsed on the couch next to him.

"Didn't Lucia tell you anything? Don't you remember anything before you moved out?" He asked slowly.

I frowned, shaking my head. "Do you know anything?"

"How can you be so clueless." Brett heaved a deep sigh. "If you haven't still figured out, we were all in the same circle. Me, Ash, Phillip, the twins, Lucia-- including you. To make the story short, you weren't a fan of Ash when we were seven because you thought he's taking Lucia away from you. You even hated him for pushing you off the swing, remember?" Brett's lips twitched up with the memory. "You hated his presence. You hated his dimple. You hated everything about him."

"Your parents know him since he was little. Your dad knows he is up to no good-- taken that from Lucia." Brett added. "I thought Lucia told you anything since they both had keep in touch after you moved out."

I nibbled the inside of my cheek, sinking all the congested information of my childhood memories. I wonder if Ashton recognized me the first time that we met? Did he save me because he knows me? An impish smile crept on my lips. Funny to think I hated him before and now the world flipped around for the both of us. Or so I thought.

"I think I like him, Brett." I said. "I think I'm falling for him."

"But what about your dad?" He inquired, looking at me with pure concern.

"He doesn't have to know." I responded. "Unless you will bail on me."

Brett bit the inside of his cheek. His brows furrowed, thinking. "Are you sure about that?" Brett asked softly. "I mean, you're too good for him, Anna."

I gave him a smile, nodding. It is time for me to validated what I feel. It is about time for everyone to acknowledge my emotions. I never felt this way before. The love and care I have for someone. For Ashton. I see him more than his flaws. Despite of him hurting my feelings sometimes, my care for him weighted over my own. I am enthralled with the feeling Ashton gives me. He never makes me feel a second choice. Unlike everyone. He gives me the world I only wish for. Freedom, and me being the priority.

Brett patted my head, smiling. "You never change."


Monday finally rolls out. The morning hussle we witness every day was far different today. From the entrance, a huge banner with an artistic etched 'Costados Festival' hung all over the place. The school plaza was filled with colorful and various booths; school mascots and balloons scampered around. Wow. The councils were able to bring the amusement park in school, I thought.

When I entered, the entrance hall was toned up by the throng of cheerleaders with their red and white pompoms. Everyone was in full spirit for the festival, I must say.

My eyes looked around the hall, looking for that specific black hair with blue eyes, yet my gazed locked with someone I'd been shunning to see- Victoria. She's staring back at me with an eyes that can swallow. She sassily trotted at my direction, some even moved aside as she pave her way.
My brows arched up in anticipation.

"We meet again." She breathed.

"Uh-huh. You went from the other corner to here."

"I don't like to have small talks with you so I'll stop beating the bush. What you saw in Ashton's house was not what you think it was."

"I didn't see anything." I lied.

Victoria smirked. " I see. You're not just naive but a bad liar too. No wonder why they like her better than you." She flipped her hair and spun around, leaving me lost.

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