Chapter 4 - All His Fault

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"Do you have a pen?" The person next to me asked. I fished out the pen in my bag and handed it to him. I focused my attention again on the board in front of me as if it was a wonderful piece of Michael Angelo's.

Minutes later, he poked me again and asked if I have an eraser. My brow shots up, eyeing the orange eraser at the top pencil he was holding. He glanced at it then break- he broke the pencil into half! What is wrong with Easton? Eyeing him cautiously I pulled out my pencil case and repeated the gesture.

"I broke my pencil. Do you have an extra?"

"Can I borrow your notes?" He nagged.

Seriously? Why not just ask me what's in my whole bag? I shifted on my chair and pushed my notes to him.

"Easton, class doesn't start yet so there's nothing so fancy to look at on my notes," I said gently.

"Just too excited for the school year knowing..." he paused dramatically. "Everything from now will be interesting since you'll be stuck with me for the whole sem." He whispered.

My cheeks flushed a tenth shade of red. I pushed the wild strands of hair behind my ear as I heard him chuckle.

"Are you that shy type?"

"I uh... well, not really."

"You're too cute for your good." He chuckled again as my cheeks, for the gazillions time today flushed. Dang. Can I stop blushing? It creeps me out just to think that blushing profusely isn't normal.

Or Is it?

Wait. He called me cute! The definition of cute was big eyes with a supernatural head and small form? Is he referring me to a bulldog?

"You aren't used to being complimented, are you?" He accused. Yes. Especially being adjective to a dog. (These lines sound so cliché!)

"You're blushing again." Easton tilted my chin up and continued complimenting me. Hearing his sweet words made my heart flutter and my stomach churns. Easton is a nice and sweet guy I start to like his company.

"Stop it." I swatted his hands away as he repeatedly poke me in my ribs. But he didn't stop in there so I bit my lower lip as my eyes turned slit ( I'd been practicing it in mirrors for more than 3 months ago with my friends), trying to look intimidating.

"Stop with all those cheesy." I scolded. Easton clutched his hands over his chest feigning hurt.

"What? Is telling the truth now a crime?"


"Since when?"

"Since I came here." That was my lame response. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he looked at me with those bright eyes of his.

"Now you're comfortable with me. So tell me about Annathea Marie Samuels. Who is she?"

Easton scooted his chair near mine (if that could be possible by the proximity between us!) and rested his arm around my shoulder which I removed the moment after.

"Hey! How'd you know my name?" My full name to be specific. Because as far as I know, I didn't remember unfurling my full name to anyone unless those two idiotic twins did. I know I shouldn't make big deal out of it but curiosity gets the best of me and I can't help but ask. Nothing to lose anyway.

"Connections. I found out just a bit of information about you." He crowed. "So, from exclusive all girls, huh."

A small chuckle left my mouth as I took my notes off his hands and tossed them back in my bag. "Besides of no boys loitering around what else you wanted to know?"

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