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8:10 p.m

I OUGHTA kill her. Five beers. Five!

Heaven knows she can hold her liquor decently but not that well.

I only checked her thoughts a little. For the most part I was keeping my cool, even went back home and put myself at ease.

But then I check her thoughts for her first time all night and I find out she's on her fifth beer. I mean for Christ's sake.

I really don't wanna be that boyfriend, but I'm gonna be that boyfriend.

I open the door to the dorm, trying to blend in. I threw on pajamas because I'd stick out like a sore thumb dressed in anything else.

I look around, trying to get a glimpse of her or Connor.

And I spot them upstairs by the railing. I hurry up the stairs and realize the person talking to Emily isn't even Connor. I have no clue who they are.

I tap Emily on the shoulder and she quickly spins around.

"Jackson? You scared the crap out of me." She chuckles. "What are you doing here?"

"It's getting pretty late out Emily, I think we should go."

"Wow, you really are my mom. Well since you're here why don't you grab a beer and stay a while?" She slides her hand up my shoulder and pulls me closer.

She may not be a sloppy drunk but she sure as hell is a flirty one.

"I would love free liquor but unfortunately I'm the designated driver for your drunk ass."

She smiles mischievously and continuous to flirtatiously touch me. She starts to kiss my neck and I end up snatching her off her feet.

"Alright we're going to find Connor and tell him he'll need to find another ride." I lift her higher. "Where's he at?"

"In the bathroom, sick to his stomach." She mutters, embarrassed.

She points out the bathroom to me and stops me from knocking.

"Lemme go in and talk to him, I don't want him to know you're here." She steadies herself against my chest.


She giggles. "He thinks you're my sugar daddy." She turns to go knock on the door.

After a second she walks out and laces her arm with mine.

"So are we going to go back to my place and-"

"I'm not sleeping with you." I tap her purse. "Gimme your keys."

She tosses me her keys. "Well why not?"

"Because we're not married and you're drunk." I lead her to the car and help her into the passenger seat.

"So what we're not married? It's not like I'm a virgin." She grumbles as I buckle her seatbelt and get in.

"Yes well I am, and either way, you're very drunk."

"I'm fine." She mumbles.

"You really shouldn't have had that much to drink, it was really unsafe."

I continue to ramble about her poor choices when she makes a noise I've never heard her make before.

I glance over at her quickly and she's crying.

I sigh and pull into the nearest parking lot.

"Emily what's wrong? Was it something I said? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry."

I wipe away her tears, smearing a little of her makeup.

She reaches into her glove compartment and pulls out a pack of tissues. Aw geez.

"Em, what can I do to make you feel better, huh?" I brush her hair out of her face. "Anything that would make you feel better?"

I glance around the streets and then I get an idea.

"You want me to take you to McDonald's? Would getting a burger make you feel better?"

She looks up from her tissue and slowly nods her head.

So I drive around and find a McDonald's, order the number meals Emily tells me to get and take her home.

As she eats I help clean makeup off her face, feeling too guilty to eat.

"I really didn't mean to make you cry."

"It's fine, I know you didn't mean it." She takes a bite of her burger.

"I love you."

"Yeah, yeah. Eat your quarter pounder."

"I'll make it up to you." I brush her hair back.

"I thought that's what this burger was?"

"I just feel really bad."

"How about you make it up to me by getting me another one of those hangover cures tomorrow morning?"

"That's not a problem Emily." I kiss her cheek. "How about I take you out somewhere nice for dinner next Friday?"

"Like where?" She looks up.

"A very renowned restaurant in Giana. Been there a dozen times, a real nice place. Little pricey."

"I mean I'm not gonna argue against that." She chuckles. "When you come over tomorrow can you bring me some blood? I want some so bad."

"How bad?"

"Like on a scale from 1-10? An 8."

"You can feed off me."

"What?" She stops digging in her fries.

"Yeah." I scoot closer and lean my head back. "It's fine. Go ahead."

She hesitates, looking uneasy. "How much do I take?"

"I'll tell you when to stop."

"Okay." She sighs. She lingers by my neck for a moment before I point out a good spot for her. I'm surprisingly unfazed when she bites down and if anything this makes me happy.

"Em." I tap her shoulder. She stops drinking but she doesn't pull her teeth out.

"Jackson, my teeth are stuck."

I chuckle and carefully grab her by the chin, pulling her fangs out.

She wipes her mouth on the back of her hand and turns away quickly, looking almost like she's ashamed of herself.

I can tell by the look on her face as she goes back to eating her fries that she is.

"You really need to come live in Giana soon." I say kinda jokingly.

"I know." She mumbles. She's quiet for just about the rest of the night.

I end up staying the night again. It feels comforting to hold her as I go to sleep.

I wish this could be us every night.

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