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12:00 a.m

IN A nearby town, there's a legend that states if you wait under the north bridge past midnight then a beautiful girl will appear. They say she's the last thing you'll ever see.

No ones quite sure how this can be confirmed, as anyone who's actually tried it has never lived to tell the tale. In fact, I wouldn't usually believe such a thing. Where did the idea of a pretty girl even come from if no one has lived to tell?

Still, there's proof that at least something happens under that bridge. Every time someone dares to attempt it, their body is dragged out of the river the next morning.

And beautiful girl or not, I'm desperate. Desperate for a way out.

I rub my wrist as I walk to the north bridge. Each body dragged out the river got the same reports at the autopsy. Blood loss. A complete mystery considering the only wounds ever found are two small puncture wounds on their wrists.

People say it's a serial killer attempting some kind of "quirk". Like they're posing as a vampire or something. I guess that works, I mean all serial killers have something to make them stand out.

I crawl under the bridge and sit at the rivers edge. It's a quiet night. I wish it wasn't. I can practically hear dad's nagging if this doesn't go as planned.

One would think he'd want me dead already. Hell, he named me after the devil.

I'm sure he's convinced I am the devil. He's hated me from the moment I was born. When mom died to give birth to me.

He always says that I'm a carnation of the devil, sent to haunt him for his sins.

The real sin is the fact I'm still alive with all this bad luck.

I check my watch and begin to tap my foot. Three minutes past midnight.

I take a deep breath. The legend says after midnight. Not exactly at midnight. It's not too late.

Oh god, what if tonight of all nights the serial killer decides not to come? Just my luck.

I'm bad luck.

Dad manages to blame just about everything on the fact I'm alive and breathing. He says I'm bad luck to everyone around me just by existing.

I want to say he's wrong, I want to ignore his harsh words. But when you hear something enough times, it starts to sound more and more true. Especially when you hear things like it everyday.

I could just move away. Get my life together instead of choosing to subject myself to his words or this.

This world will be better off without me.

I wonder if Dad will even be a little sad when my body gets dragged out the river.

I would hope so. He used to care about me so much.

Damn, that's if this chick even decides to show up. I check my watch again.

Footsteps make me jump and I look up. A girl is there. She sits down next to me and smiles. Not a psychotic smile of a serial killer. A kind smile.

"Hi. I'm Adalia. You?"

This can't be the girl from the legend. She's definitely beautiful but would a killer really give away their name when I can still run? She must have come here just like me.

"Lucifer." I hug my knees to my chest.

"Wow, that's unfortunate."

I manage a bitter chuckle, unsure why. "You're telling me."

"So why'd you come here? Everyone who comes here has a reason, so it seems." Her mesmerizing eyes shine in the darkness like fire.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe this is the girl.

"Um, I just don't really want to be, well, alive anymore. Is that okay to say?"

She frowns, giving quite the sympathetic look for a possible murderer.

"Well Lucifer," She chirps my name sweetly, "I don't normally do this, but something about you is...different. Anything I can do for you before you go?"

I purse my lips together, thinking of all the things I've never gotten to do.

"Okay I know this sounds weird, but could I get my first and last kiss? I was homeschooled so there's not a lot of normal things that I got to do."

Her red lips curl into a smile. "How cute."

My face turns bright red and I expect her to brush it off but instead she grabs my face, squishing my cheeks and pulls me into a kiss.

She pulls away and gives me a wide smile. A smile big enough to see that in place of her canines are large pointed fangs.

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