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2:26 p.m


I'VE BEEN trying to spend as much time with Christos as possible. Whenever I think about us being husband and wife my stomach ties into a million knots.

And not the good type of knots.

I wish it was just normal bride-to-be jitters with butterflies in my stomach. Instead of butterflies I have hornets.

Christos finishes what he was working on at his desk and joins me on his loveseat.

"Sorry about that." He smiles. He wraps one of his arms around me and pulls me into his embrace.

Jackson said that to Christos, we are as close as we can possibly be because he can feel the bond between us.

Meanwhile I'm wrapping my head around memories together and compatibility.

I guess we have that memory of when we first met. And when he kissed me. And when he proposed.

But god I feel like there should have been more space between those three events.

"Christos I'm getting nervous about all this." I grimace, expecting to upset him.

"Is there something I could do to ease your anxiousness?" He smiles down at me.

I rest my head on his chest. "Tell me stories. About, you know, something you've experienced or just some old childhood story."

He stares off at the ceiling for a moment.

"There was this one time I snuck off to a carnival in the mortal realm, mostly out of curiosity. It was fun up until I ate too much cotton candy and decided to get on the carousel."

I can't help but laugh and snort.

"Jackson was there too, he accidentally got a tad drunk."

"How do you accidentally get drunk?"

He shrugs. "He thought it was just some fruity cocktail because he figured there was no way they'd be selling alcohol at a place with a bunch of kids."

"It was in America wasn't it?" I raise an eyebrow.

He nods. "And on the Fourth of July at that."

"And that is why I'm glad I grew up in Canada." I sigh. I had started to say I'm glad I live in Canada, but I live here now in Lunam.

I live here.

"Yes my Love, you do." He murmurs. I've gotten used to him reading my thoughts.

And hearing him call me 'Love' is always enough to make me melt.

It's always enough to make me wonder why I question all this.

I snuggle closer, kissing his cheek.

"What were you like before we met?" I smile at him.

"Um, just about the same." He shrugs. "Nothing special."

"You told me before that vampires are told about mates from a young age. When you heard about it, what did you imagine I'd be like?" I fiddle with my dress,

"Honestly, I imagined you like a regular vampire around here because it's all I knew. I imagined you'd be a gloomy, realist, normal girl."

"How would you describe me now?"

He smiles. "The charming, optimistic ray of sunshine that is the love of my life."

"I can't have one conversation with you without you being cheesy, can I?" I smile anyways, accustomed to it.

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